MIT: Independent Activities Period: IAP

IAP 2013


Kevin Schlaufman, Kavli Postdoctoral Fellow, Bryce Croll, Sagan Postdoctoral Fellow

Enrollment: Unlimited: No advance sign-up
Attendance: Participants welcome at individual sessions
Prereq: none

Please visit:  for talk titles and abstracts


Sponsor(s): Kavli Institute for Astrophysics & Space Research
Contact: Eric Miller and Debbie Meinbresse, 37-241, 617 253-1456, MEINBRES@MIT.EDU

Planet Formation and the Origins of Life

Jan/15 Tue 02:00PM-02:30PM Marlar Lounge 37-252

The first planet outside of our Solar System was discovered in 1995. Since then, over 800 of these "exoplanets" have been identified orbiting other stars in our own Galaxy. Few of these planetary systems resemble the Solar System, & those differences may determine the frequency of life in the Universe. 

See the full abstract here:



Kevin Schlaufman - Kavli Postdoctoral Fellow


Jan/15 Tue 02:30PM-03:00PM Marlar Lounge 37-252

How to Find and Characterize a Habitable Earth-like Planet

To many members of the public, and indeed the wider astronomical
community, one of the most pressing questions in the field of extrasolar
planets is how are we going to find a planet similar to the Earth that can
support life, and how are we going to know it when we find it?

complete abstract posted here:

Bryce Croll - Sagan Postdoctoral Fellow