MIT: Independent Activities Period: IAP

IAP 2013

5S for Chemical Laboratory Safety, Productivity, and Positive Morale

John F. Carrier, Sloan School of Management

Jan/24 Thu 10:00AM-11:30AM 66-110

Enrollment: Unlimited: No advance sign-up
Prereq: none


5S is a technique to improve the performance, morale, and safety of its "human systems". It is based on 5 “S” words:

It is the best way to stabilize and optimize systems where people share common resources and equipment. Despite its apparent simplicity, it is rooted in the principles of control system dynamics and the psychology of human interaction.

If you feel –

Then 5S is for you!

During the session, we will discuss –

To bring:

Nothing is required. Bring members of your workspace!

Sponsor(s): Chemical Engineering
Contact: John Carrier, (617) 939-4396, JFCARRIE@MIT.EDU