MIT: Independent Activities Period: IAP

IAP 2014

How to Negotiate Your First Job

Paul Levy 72, Farzana Mohamed 94

Jan/21 Tue 07:00PM-08:30PM 32-124

Enrollment: Unlimited: Advance sign-up required

You have spent most of your childhood and young adult life going to school–primary school, secondary school, and college–preparing to enter the work force. You have gotten pretty good at science, mathematics, computer programming, accounting, or whatever. You have applied for jobs and now you have been offered one. It's time to sit down face to face with your potential employer, and you don’t know what to say and you don’t know what to ask for.

We are going to give you the tools to get through this stage of your life. Sure, we are going to help you get what you want and deserve. But, here’s the little secret. We’re going to help you get what you want and deserve in a way that will make your new employer even more pleased to hire you. “What?” you say, “I will end up with more money and better working conditions and my new employer will be happy?"

Register today!



Sponsor(s): Alumni Association
Contact: Elena Byrne, W98-206C, 617 252-1143, EBYRNE@MIT.EDU