MIT: Independent Activities Period: IAP

IAP 2015 Activities by Sponsor - Campus Crusade for Christ

Reasoning for God

chris swanosn

Enrollment: Unlimited: No advance sign-up
Attendance: Participants welcome at individual sessions

A 6 part lecture and discussion series addressing some of the top questions and objections to the Christian faith.  Bring your questions and look forward to good discussion and authentic answers.  Free dinner too!

Sponsor(s): Campus Crusade for Christ, Graduate Christian Fellowship
Contact: Chris Swanson, 515-451-9542, CSWANSON@MIT.EDU

How Could God allow Evil and Suffering?

Add to Calendar Jan/13 Tue 06:00PM-07:30PM Coffeehouse Lounge, 3rd floor Student Center, Free Dinner Provided

How can there be one true religion?

Add to Calendar Jan/15 Thu 06:00PM-07:45PM Coffeehouse Lounge, 3rd Floor, Student Center, free dinner