MIT: Independent Activities Period: IAP

IAP 2017 Activities by Sponsor - Community Innovators Lab

Media for Movement Building: Making Podcasts about Urban Planning in East Boston

Allegra Williams, Director of Campus and Community Learning, Lawrence Barriner, CoLab Radio, Interim Director

Enrollment: Limited: Advance sign-up required
Sign-up by 01/04
Attendance: Participants must attend all sessions
Prereq: Preference for audio recording experience, but open to all

Over the course of 2 weeks, students will engage in a hands-on audio production workshop exploring urban planning issues in East Boston through multiple lenses. East Boston is a fascinating neighborhood for those interested in urban planning because of its unique geography, history, and shifting demographics. Long a neighborhood of immigrants trying to find their footing in America, the neighborhood’s seafront has recently attracted significant real estate investment that is leading to gentrification and displacement. Students will have an opportunity to explore and learn about the neighborhood firsthand as they journey to listen to the stories of interviewees, embark on walking tours, and engage in sound collection as a method of place-based inquiry. Workshop sessions will be focused on a range of topics relevant for producing a long-form interview for podcast, including understanding story structure, creating audio narratives, and editing. The course will be co-facilitated by the MIT Community Innovators Lab (CoLab) and Radio Producer, Marie Choi, of Making Contact, a social justice radio program based in the Bay Area. In advance of registering for the class, please email course instructors, Marie Choi ( and Lawrence Barriner II ( with a brief statement (200 words max) including why you're interested in the course, any past media/audio production experience, and a hyperlink or reference to your favorite (preferably audio) interview. 

Sponsor(s): MIT-SUTD Collaboration, Urban Studies and Planning, Community Innovators Lab
Contact: Lawrence Barriner, 9-238,

Media for Movement Building

Jan/09 Mon 03:00PM-08:00PM 9-217, Students will need to bring their own laptops
Jan/10 Tue 03:00PM-08:00PM 9-217, Students will need to bring their own laptops
Jan/11 Wed 03:00PM-08:00PM 9-217, Students will need to bring their own laptops
Jan/12 Thu 03:00PM-08:00PM 9-217, Students will need to bring their own laptops
Jan/13 Fri 03:00PM-08:00PM 9-217, Students will need to bring their own laptops
Jan/17 Tue 03:00PM-08:00PM 9-217, Students will need to bring their own laptops
Jan/18 Wed 03:00PM-08:00PM 9-217, Students will need to bring their own laptops
Jan/19 Thu 03:00PM-08:00PM 9-217, Students will need to bring their own laptops

Allegra Williams - Director of Campus and Community Learning, Marie Choi - Radio Producer, Lawrence Barriner - CoLab Radio, Interim Director