MIT: Independent Activities Period: IAP

IAP 2017

Convert your CV to a 2-page Resume for Industry

Jan/12 Thu 01:30PM-03:00PM 4-270

Enrollment: Unlimited: Advance sign-up required

If you are considering exploring Industry positions, you will need to have a resume that effectively positions you for this path.  This workshop presented by Bob Dolan will discuss the process of converting your 4-6 page CV into a 2-page resume for industry, and creating a document that effectively targets the Hiring Manager.  Can your resume survive a 15 second scan and still get into the YES pile? Discussions will surround the strategies of effective messaging and how to be "on-point" with your written communication.  Actual MIT PhD/Postdoc resumes will be provided as handouts. 

Pre-registration is requested on Careerbridge.

Sponsor(s): Global Education and Career Development
Contact: GECD-IAP,