MIT: Independent Activities Period: IAP

IAP 2017

Climate Science: Mankind's First Good Forecast

Spencer Glendon, Wellington Management Company LLP

Jan/30 Mon 01:00PM-02:30PM E51-335

Enrollment: Limited: First come, first served (no advance sign-up)

Economists and investors try to make an extremely complex system tractable through theory, equations, and data analysis. This enormous enterprise yields valuable, often marginal insights but rarely produces good forecasts. For over 40 years climate scientists have also sought to understand a complex system using theory, equations, and data analysis. Their research has yielded startlingly clear results and mankind’s first good forecast. Spencer Glendon will compare climate research with social science, share what climate science teaches us about economic history and specialization, and discuss why economics and finance are so reluctant to embrace climate science.

Sponsor(s): Economics
Contact: Beata Shuster, E52-439A, 617 253-8883, BSHUSTER@MIT.EDU