MIT: Independent Activities Period: IAP

IAP 2017

Problem-Solving for Engineers

Erik Fogg, Project Lead, Stroud International, Nat Greene, CEO, Stroud International

Enrollment: Limited: Advance sign-up required
Sign-up by 01/18
Limited to 30 participants
Attendance: Participants must attend all sessions

Hey look, buddy, you’re an engineer. That means you solve problems. Not problems like, “What is beauty?” because that would fall within the purview of your conundrums of philosophy. You solve practical problems.

Most engineers can solve simple problems--but hard ones? Those are the ones that really matter. Being able to solve hard problems will make you a truly great engineer, and with that skill you can go change the world.

Join us this IAP and learn the behaviors of great problem-solvers, across engineering disciplines.

Problem-solving is a core aspect of any technical profession, particularly engineering. Engineers are taught many tools that they can use to solve problems, and in business they are likely to be taught problem-solving methodologies that lay out steps they can take while solving problems. But rarely are they taught skills or behaviors with which to use these tools and methodologies. Instead, they are taught to guess or brainstorm potential root causes while attempting to solve the problem, and against hard problems, they fail. This course will introduce engineers to the behaviors they need to nurture in order to solve hard problems, and give them opportunities to practice using them. They will be able to take these new behaviors and improve their problem-solving in the future.

Please sign up for this course by sending an email to

Sponsor(s): Mechanical Engineering
Contact: Erik Fogg, (781) 715-5492,

Problem-Solving for Engineers

Jan/23 Mon 12:30PM-05:00PM 3-370
Jan/24 Tue 12:30PM-05:00PM 3-370
Jan/25 Wed 12:30PM-05:00PM 3-370
Jan/26 Thu 12:30PM-05:00PM 3-370

Four days, four hours per day, with a quick break. Classes will include a brief lecture, followed by group work with support from teachers, and presentations to the class for feedback. Students will work as groups on a hard problem in their lives or communities throughout the class. Expect some homework.

Erik Fogg - Project Lead, Stroud International, Nat Greene - CEO, Stroud International