MIT: Independent Activities Period: IAP

IAP 2017

Get a Patent on your Invention & Turn it into a Startup!

Christopher Noble

Jan/11 Wed 02:00PM-03:30PM 3-133

Enrollment: Unlimited: Advance sign-up required
Sign-up by 01/11

You've invented something really cool. Can you get a patent?  Can you create a company around it?

Christopher Noble (MIT Technology Licensing Officer) will help you learn how and when to file a patent (and if you need to) and how your startup can spin the invention out from MIT and get that coveted “exclusive license”.

Christopher will also show you how the MIT Technology Licensing Office can help you; and will tell you what investors are looking for when they ask you:  “What about your IP?”

To register for this event please contact Katrina Khalil via email:

Sponsor(s): Technology Licensing Office
Contact: Katrina Khalil, NE18-501, 617-253-6966,