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Materials Science and Eng
Special Problems in Materials Science
Bernhardt J. Wuensch
Mon Jan 11, Tue Jan 12, Wed Jan 13, Thu Jan 14, Fri Jan 15, 10am-12:00pm, 13-4101
Listeners allowed, space permitting
Prereq: Permission of instructor 3.13 or 3.60 or equiv.
Level: H 4 units Graded P/D/F
Advanced work in the field for qualified students. Lectures, conferences, assigned readings, or supervised laboratory work.
Principles of crystal chemistry and application to selected crystalline phases of importance in ceramics and metallurgy structures will be described in using symmetry and space groups.
Contact: Bernhardt J. Wuensch, 13-4037, x3-6889, wuensch@mit.edu
Comments to iap-www@mit.edu
Listing generated: 14-Jan-1999