A Multicultural Problem-Solving Game
Cristina Gordy
Thu Jan 21, 01-05:00pm
Limited to 20 students.
Single session event
Prereq: Interest in diversity, negotiation, dealing w differences.
Participating in groups under common cultural mandates, you will play different roles in problem-solving exercises with
a variety of topics. The more diverse the group of participants is the more fun we'll have with this multicultural game.
Contact: Cristina Gordy, 39-559, x3-8930, gordy@mtl.mit.edu
Sponsor: Cristina Gordy, 39 559, x3-8930, gordy@mtl.mit.edu
An American in Africa: One Person's Peace Corps Experience
Brian K Arbic
Thu Jan 14, 12-01:30pm, 54-915, (2 presentations: 1/14, 1/21)
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Single session event
Prereq: none
NOTE: This presentation will also be given Thu 21 Jan 1999, 7:30-9:00pm (E51-345). DESCRIPTION: Before becoming a graduate student at MIT, I was a Peace Corps teacher in Africa for 3 years - first in Liberia, then in Ghana. I will show slides and talk about my experiences. In addition, audio tapes of my Ghanaian colleagues speaking will offer a unique window into everyday African life. Come learn about a very different part of the world!
Web: http://web.mit.edu/arbic/iap
Contact: Brian K Arbic, 54-1511A, 253-2922, arbic@mit.edu
Sponsor: Brian K Arbic, 54-1511A, 253-2922, arbic@plume.mit.edu
Carrying on the Dream of Martin Luther King, Jr.: Exploring the Past and Changing the Future
Tobie Weiner , Jane Gould
Schedule: TBD
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Participants welcome at individual sessions (series)
The Martin Luther King, Jr. Committee presents several panels, workshops and discussions designed to examine the accomplishments and struggles of some of the individuals who participated in the Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and 1960s. Come and meet people who have never stopped trying to change the world. You'll have a chance to really connect with members of the MIT and Boston/Cambridge community and find out what YOU can do to make the world a better place. Check the on-line IAP Guide for updated schedule.
Contact: Tobie Weiner, E53-484, x3-3649, iguanatw@mit.edu
Sponsor: Political Science
Chinese Calligraphy
Tong Chen
Tue, Thu, Jan 19, 21, 26, 28, 01-02:30pm
Enrollment limited: advance sign up required (see contact below)
Limited to 15 students.
Participants requested to attend all sessions (non-series)
Fee: 10.00 for To buy supplies such as ink, paintbrush, and rice paper.
Students will learn common chinese characters while utilizing their artistic abilities through traditional calligraphy. They will be instructed in basic stroke techniques.
Contact: Chi-An Wang, 410 Memorial Dr. RM451C, 225-8403, chian@mit.edu
Sponsor: Chinese Students Club
Chinese Cooking
Doug Yeung
Wed, Jan 13, 20, 27, 04-06:00pm, Next House
Enrollment limited: advance sign up required (see contact below)
Limited to 12 students.
Participants welcome at individual sessions (series)
Students will learn to make authentic Chinese cuisine, from General Gau's chicken to Kung Pao Chicken, Doug and Anita do it all!
Contact: Doug Yeung, 500 MEMORIAL DR RM214, 225-8714, dougy@mit.edu
Sponsor: Chinese Students Club
Chinese Cultural Dancing
Catherine Chen
Tue, Wed, Thu, Jan 5, 6, 7, 12, 13, 14, 19, 20, 21, 26, 27, 28, 11am-12:30pm
Enrollment limited: advance sign up required (see contact below)
Limited to 12 students.
Participants requested to attend all sessions (non-series)
Fee: 30.00 for Cover the cost of the lian-shang
Learn the art of chinese cultural dancing. Students will be taught to use lian-shang. The final dance will be performed at CSC Chinese New Years Banquet.
Contact: Catherine Chen, 500 MEMORIAL DR, 225-8720, chenc@mit.edu
Sponsor: Chinese Students Club
Chinese Movie Mini-Series
Kin-Joe Sham
Wed, Jan 13, 20, 27, 07-09:00pm, W20-439
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Participants welcome at individual sessions (series)
We will be showing Chinese movies such as Young & the Dangerous and The Tai-Chi Master. The setting is informal so just come out and have a great time!
Contact: Kin-Joe Sham, 500 MEMORIAL DR, 225-8713, ksham@mit.edu
Sponsor: Chinese Students Club
Chinese Yo-Yo
Luke Massery , Brok McFerran
Tue, Jan 5, 12, 19, 26, 02-03:00pm
Enrollment limited: advance sign up required (see contact below)
Limited to 10 students.
Participants requested to attend all sessions (non-series)
Fee: 15.00 for To Cover the cost of buying Chinese Yo-yos
Students will be taught how to use the chinese yo-yo, an ancient chinese toy. Requires no previous experience. Yo-Yo orders will be taken on the first day of class, cost is around $15.
Contact: Kin-Joe Sham, Memorial Dr. Rm 213, 225-8713, ksham@mit.edu
Sponsor: Chinese Students Club
Contra Dance for All
Art Anger , Ann Cowan , Larry Stone
Tue, Jan 12, 26, 07:30-10:30pm, W20-407
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Participants welcome at individual sessions (series)
Prereq: none
Join us for two evenings of Contra Dance, a traditional American form of
folk dancing, directed by a caller and accompanied by exciting live
music. We'll make it especially accessible to beginners for IAP.
Contra Dancing uses easy-to-learn walking steps. You dance with a partner,
changing partners each dance, in a line of couples called a 'set' and
interacting with your partner and all the other couples. A caller first
explains each dance in a 'walk-through' and then continues to prompt you
during the dance.
No partner is needed. Come by your self or bring friends!
Light refreshments served at the break halfway through.
These dances are part of a continuing series of dances on the Second and
Fourth Tuesday of every month, so you can continue to enjoy them once you're
Web: http://www.mit.edu:8001/activities/fdc/contra.html
Contact: Larry Stone, E40-345, x3-1459, lcs@mit.edu
Sponsor: MIT Folk Dance Club
Crash Course In Canadianism
Brett Kubicek , Wojciech Giziewicz
Thu Jan 28, 07-09:00pm, 1-190
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Single session event
So you thought Canada was all snow, polar bears, and mounted police in red uniforms? We have that and so much more. Come and find out about pronunciation, politics, and football in the world's 2nd largest country. We'll either confirm or dash some stereotypes.
Contact: Brett Kubicek, E53-386, 258-6424, kooby@mit.edu
Sponsor: MIT Canadians Club
Das Deutsche Haus Filmfest
Nicole Zacharia , Wojciech Giziewicz
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Participants welcome at individual sessions (series)
Join us Tuesday and Thursday nights for films in German with English subtitles.
Web: http://www.mit.edu/activities/dh/dh.html
Contact: Nicole Zacharia, nzach@mit.edu
Sponsor: German House
"Blue Angel" and "Wings of Desire"
Nicole Zacharia , Wojciech Giziewicz
Tue Jan 5, 07-11:00pm, 2-147
"Olympiad" and "Far Away so Close"
Nicole Zacharia , Wojciech Giziewicz
Thu Jan 7, 07-11:00pm, 2-147
"Das Boot"
Nicole Zacharia , Wojciech Giziewicz
Tue Jan 12, 07-11:00pm, 2-147
Nicole Zacharia , Wojciech Giziewicz
Thu Jan 14, 07-11:00pm, 2-147
"Stalingrad" and "Nosferatu"
Nicole Zacharia , Wojciech Giziewicz
Tue Jan 19, 07-11:00pm, 2-147
"Die neuen Leiden des Jungen Werthers" and "Marriage of Maria Braun"
Nicole Zacharia , Wojciech Giziewicz
Thu Jan 21, 07-11:00pm, 2-147
"Goalie's Anxiety at the Penalty Kick" and "Tragoedie der Liebe"
Nicole Zacharia , Wojciech Giziewicz
Tue Jan 26, 07-11:00pm, 2-147
"Berlin: Symphony of a City" and "Murderers among Us"
Nicole Zacharia , Wojciech Giziewicz
Thu Jan 28, 07-11:00pm, 2-147
Ikebana --The Japanese Art of Flower Arrangement
Hiroko Matsuyama
Thu Jan 21, 01-03:00pm, E38, 7th floor
Enrollment limited: advance sign up required (see contact below)
Limited to 15 students.
Single session event
Prereq: none
Fee: 10.00 for helping waylay the cost of each person's materials
Matsuyama Sensei, an accomplished instructor in Ikebana, will show you the basics of this ancient art as you create your own arrangement
Contact: Mark Eykholt, E38-755, 258-8208, meykholt@mit.edu
Sponsor: MIT Japan Program
Indian Culture
Lakshmi Iyer
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Participants welcome at individual sessions (series)
Prereq: none
Have a snapshot view of Indian culture! Learn to wear traditional Indian attire--a sari, a dhoti, a turban and more! Learn Indian customs, hear Indian languages, celebrate Indian festivals! Includes rangoli, mehendi etc.. These activities celebrate the incredible depth and diversity of cultures from different parts of India.
Contact: Lakshmi Iyer, lakshmi@mit.edu
Sponsor: SANGAM
Indian Culture: India's Religions and Festivals
Lakshmi Iyer
Fri Jan 8, 02-03:00pm, 56-180
Indian Culture
Lakshmi Iyer
Wed Jan 13, 02-03:00pm, 56-180
Indian Culture
Lakshmi Iyer
Wed Jan 20, 02-03:00pm, 56-180
Indian Culture
Lakshmi Iyer
Wed Jan 27, 02-03:00pm, 56-180
Indian Dance Classes
Dharmesh Mehta
Sat, Jan 9, 16, 23, 10am-01:00pm, TBA
No limit but advance sign up required
Participants welcome at individual sessions (series)
Prereq: None
This series of dance classes will highlight different styles of Indian Dance including Garba, Raas, and Bhangra.
Each session will feature a different style of dance.
People with and without experience are welcome.
Contact: Dharmesh Mehta, PBE, 494-8677, dharmesh@mit.edu
Sponsor: South Asian American Students
International Dance and Music Series
International Student Association
Enrollment limited: advance sign up required (see contact below)
Participants welcome at individual sessions (series)
Signup by: 04-JAN-99
Prereq: none
Fee: 8.00 for help cover costs of professional instructors
Web: http://web.mit.edu/isa/
Contact: Natasha Iliouchina, nilush@mit.edu
Sponsor: International Students Association
Salsa I
Raul Nieves Guest Professional Instructor
Do you like Latin music and wish you could dance with ease using all the latest moves? Then come to Salsa lessons with Raul Nieves - the class will inspire the beginning student to learn Basic Salsa with passion! Turns, breaks, hand movements, and different styles will be taught.
Wed, Thu, Jan 6, 7, 13, 14, 05:30-07:00pm, TBA
Merengue I
Raul Nieves Guest Professional Instructor
Do you like Latin music, and wish you could dance with ease using the latest moves? This class will teach the beginning student to dance merengue with fire! Turns, hand movements, hips and more hips.
Wed, Thu, Jan 20, 21, 27, 28, 05:30-07:00pm, TBA
Brazilian Samba I
Danuza Aquino Guest Professional Instructor
Do you enjoy the music of the Brazilian Carnival and want to learn how to dance to it? Come learn all the latest moves straight from Brazil with instructor Danuza Aquino.
Mon, Tue, Jan 4, 5, 11, 12, 07:30-09:00pm, TBA
Lambada I
Danuza Aquino Guest Professional Instructor
Heard a lot about Lambada, but never really known what it was about? If you've been curious to try this exciting
dance, come learn everything starting from the basics, to turns, dips, and more!
Mon, Tue, Jan 18, 19, 25, 26, 07:30-09:00pm, TBA
Belly Dance I, Section 1
Sahar Saida Guest Professional Instructor
Introduction to Middle Eastern Belly Dance focuses primarily on participation and technique in belly dance movement and rhythms, as well as very brief lectures describing costuming, music, and culture as appropriate to Middle Eastern dance. Instruction on how to play zills (finger cymbals), and dance props (cane, candles, tray etc.) as well. No previous experience necessary.
Mon, Tue, Jan 4, 5, 11, 12, 05:30-07:00pm, TBA
Belly Dance I, Section 2
Sahar Saida Guest Professional Instructor
Introduction to Middle Eastern Belly Dance focuses primarily on participation and technique in belly dance movement and rhythms, as well as very brief lectures describing costuming, music, and culture as appropriate to Middle Eastern dance. Instruction on how to play zills (finger cymbals), and dance props (cane, candles, tray etc.) as well. No previous experience necessary.
Mon, Tue, Jan 18, 19, 25, 26, 05:30-07:00pm, TBA
World Percussion I, Section 1
Syd Smart Guest Professional Instructor
Come learn rhythms and percussion from all over the world, including Nigeria, Puerto Rico, Senegal, Cuba, Spain, and more! No experience or instruments necessary, some instruments will be provided.
Wed, Thu, Jan 6, 7, 13, 14, 07:30-09:00pm, TBA
World Percussion I, Section 2
Syd Smart Guest Professional Instructor
Come learn rhythms and percussion from all over the world, including Nigeria, Puerto Rico, Senegal, Cuba, Spain, and more! No experience or instruments necessary, some instruments will be provided.
Wed, Thu, Jan 20, 21, 27, 28, 07:30-09:00pm, TBA
International Folk Dancing for Everyone
Marilyn Richards
Sun, Jan 10, 17, 24, 07:30-11:00pm, W20-SalaDePuertoRico
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Participants welcome at individual sessions (series)
Come dance to the world music you listen to. Learn the dances that inspired that great music! Lots of teaching! Loads of fun!
Beginners are very welcome! We dance in lines, with a partner, and in circles with a few people (these circles can really move). No partner needed and absolutely no experience necessary. Come by yourself or bring friends!
This will continue as a regular series of dances on Sunday nights, so
you can keep coming once you get hooked! International Folk Dancing is also providing an IAP PE credit course. See the IAP course listings.
Web: http://web.mit.edu/fdc/
Contact: Marilyn Richards, richards@theory.lcs.mit.edu
Sponsor: MIT Folk Dance Club
Introduction to American Sign Language
Adam Skwersky , Jim Snyder
Tue, Wed, Thu, Jan 5, 6, 7, 12, 13, 14, 19, 20, 21, 26, 27, 28, 06:15-08:00pm, TBA
No limit but advance sign up required
Participants requested to attend all sessions (non-series)
Have you ever seen a deaf person use sign language and wondered "what in the world is he saying??" We will teach you how to use your hands to communicate in American Sign Language, a very expressive language "spoken" by millions of people in the United States. The class will be fun-oriented and we will teach mostly vocabulary and a bit of grammar. The students will also be introduced to some "Deaf Culture", and get a taste of what the "Deaf World" is like.
Students might be asked to reimburse us for xeroxes.
Contact: Adam Skwersky, 3-472m, 253-5095, askwersk@mit.edu
Sponsor: Adam Skwersky, 3-472m, 253-5095, askwersk@mit.edu
Israeli Folk Dancing for IAP
Valarie Benezra
Wed, Jan 6, 13, 20, 27, 07-11:00pm, W20-SalaDePuertoRico
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Participants welcome at individual sessions (series)
Come Party! Come learn the newest, hottest dances in Israeli folk dancing. Lots of teaching! Lots of fun! Beginners are most welcome! No partner
needed and absolutely no experience necessary. Come by yourself or bring friends.
This will continue as a regular series of dances on Wednesday nights, so you
can keep coming once you get hooked!
Web: http://web.mit.edu/fdc/
Contact: Valarie Benezra, 13-4017, x3-6898, benezra@mit.edu
Sponsor: MIT Folk Dance Club
Let's Sing Japanese
Mitsuko Barker
Tue, Jan 12, 19, 12:30-01:30pm
No limit but advance sign up required
Participants requested to attend all sessions (non-series)
Prereq: none
The Japanese Lunch Table's Mitsuko Barker will lead you in pronouncing, understanding, and singing beautiful Japanese songs and Karaoke favorites
Contact: Mark Eykholt, E38-755, 258-8208, meykholt@mit.edu
Sponsor: MIT Japan Program
Lion Dance
Frank Liu
Tue, Jan 12, 19, 01-03:00pm
Enrollment limited: advance sign up required (see contact below)
Limited to 15 students.
Participants requested to attend all sessions (non-series)
Learn the ancient art of Chinese lion dancing. No previous experience required.
Contact: Janet Chieh, 362 Memorial Dr. Rm. 531, 225-7287, jjchieh@mit.edu
Sponsor: Chinese Students Club
Second Annual Diversity of Thought Symposium
Sharmin Ghaznavi , Erzsike J. Reierstad
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Participants welcome at individual sessions (series)
Prereq: none
The Second Annual Diversity of Thought Symposium is a four part lecture series with a focus on the contributions of perspective and different paradigms of thought on intellectual inquiry and pursuits.
Contact: Sharmin Ghaznavi, W20-401, 225-7623, shar@mit.edu
Sponsor: Undergraduate Association
Philosophy Panel
Sharmin Ghaznavi , Erzsike J. Reierstad
The Second Annual Diversity of Thought Symposium
is a four part lecture series with a focus on the contributions of perspective and different paradigms of
thought on intellectual inquiry and pursuits. The Philosophy Panel will host speakers who will focus on how diverse paradigms of thought enrich intellectual inquiry.
Tue Jan 5, 07-??:00pm, 3-270
Student Panel
Sharmin Ghaznavi , Erzsike J. Reierstad
The Second Annual Diversity of Thought Symposium is a four part lecture series with a focus on the contributions of perspective and different paradigms of
thought on intellectual inquiry and pursuits. The Student panel will consist of MIT students who will share how perspective has shaped them
Thu Jan 14, 07-??:00pm, 3-270
Disciplines Panel
Sharmin Ghaznavi , Erzsike J. Reierstad
The Second Annual Diversity of Thought Symposium
is a four part lecture series with a focus on the contributions of perspective and different paradigms of
thought on intellectual inquiry and pursuits. The Disciplines panel will host speakers from different academic disciplines who will speak to how their backgrounds and their disciplines have shaped the way they think and work.
Thu Jan 21, 07-??:00pm, 3-270
Alumni Panel
Sharmin Ghaznavi , Erzsike J. Reierstad
The Second Annual Diversity of Thought Symposium
is a four part lecture series with a focus on the contributions of perspective and different paradigms of
thought on intellectual inquiry and pursuits. The Alumni panel will consist of MIT alumni who will share how their experiences at MIT have enriched their perspectives and how that has played out in their careers.
Thu Jan 28, 07-??:00pm, 3-270
Sushi Party
Mitsuko Barker
Tue Jan 26, 03-05:00pm, E38, 6th floor
Enrollment limited: advance sign up required (see contact below)
Single session event
Prereq: none
Fee: 5.00 for help to offset the cost of the sushi ingredients
Learn to make sushi the way the Japanese do at home--sprinkle, smooth, roll, slice, then enjoy to your heart's content
Contact: Mark Eykholt, E38-755, 258-8208, meykholt@mit.edu
Sponsor: MIT Japan Program
Traveler's Guide to India
Kanika Agrawal
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Participants welcome at individual sessions (series)
From the pink desert sands of Jaipur to the white beach sands of Goa, from the romance of the marbled Taj Mahal to the sensuousness of Ajanta and Ellora - India is full of contrasts. There is something for every traveler, something to accommodate every age, interest, and budget. We'll provide practical travel tips on customs, bargaining, and culture. So, bring along your friends and let us take you through a breathtaking tour of India; it won't cost you a single rupee.
Contact: Kanika Agrawal, kagrawal@mit.edu
Sponsor: SANGAM
Traveler's Guide to India
Kanika Agrawal
Wed Jan 20, 11-12:00am, 56-191
Traveler's Guide to India
Kanika Agrawal
Wed Jan 27, 11-12:00am, 56-191