Becoming a Musical Semiconductor
Larry Isaacson , Teresa Marrin, Thomas Chen
Wed, Mon, Jan 13, 18, 20, 25, 27, 04-06:00pm, Killian Hall
Enrollment limited: advance sign up required (see contact below)
Limited to 10 students.
Participants requested to attend all sessions (non-series)
Signup by: 07-JAN-99
Prereq: Music reading ability
Fee: 5.00 for copies for score books
Have you ever wondered about the role of the conductor who leads a music ensemble? This class will cover the conducting basics of keeping time and reading a score. Through use of conducting exercises and a selected list of music, we will seek to develop a "vocabulary of gestures" which can be used to communicate with musicians in an orchestra. Classes will start with some verbal instructions and then focus on getting people to the podium and actually practicing the art of conducting with a string quartet. No previous conducting experience is required, but an ability to read music is a must. [Participants are encouraged to bring their instruments and play for their classmates.] A video recorder will be available to capture the moment when you transform into the next Leonard Bernstein or Seiji Ozawa! A nominal fee may be charged to administer the class.
Contact: Thomas Chen, 13-4153, 253-6907,
Sponsor: Music and Theater Arts
Patsy Sampson
Thu, Jan 7, 14, 21, 28, 07-09:00pm, TBA
Enrollment limited: advance sign up required (see contact below)
Limited to 30 students.
Participants requested to attend all sessions (non-series)
Prereq: At least three years flute experience
Fee: 5.00 for Copy and refreshment costs
Need an excuse to play your flute? Flutes@IAP is on for its third season, featuring bi-weekly gatherings (day/time/place to be announced). Music from Pink Floyd to others. Must have at least twenty flutists enrolled so we can blast our audience on our Friday, Jan. 29 concert!
Contact: Patsy Sampson, 253-4562,
Sponsor: Mechanical Engineering
Gilbert and Sullivan for the Absolute Beginner
Jessica Raine MIT Gilbert and Sullivan Players, David Euresti, Emily Reinke
Thu Jan 21, 07:30-08:30pm, TBA
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Single session event
Who were these guys? Why should you care? Why do we like their shows so much? Come learn about our favorite comic-opera duo, and learn to sing a few of our favorite songs. We might also sing songs from our spring show
"Yeomen of the Guard." Intended for those with little or no musical training.
Contact: David Euresti, Burton-Conner, 225-8361,
Sponsor: Gilbert and Sullivan Players
Gilbert and Sullivan for the Advanced Beginner
Jessica Raine MIT Gilbert and Sullivan Players, David Euresti, Emily Reinke
Thu Jan 28, 07:30-08:30pm, TBA
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Single session event
Intended for people with some musical training, but who're less familiar with G&S. A great way to decide whether you want to audition for a role with us!
Contact: David Euresti, Burton, 225-8361,
Sponsor: Gilbert and Sullivan Players
How to Blow a Shofar
Jay Liston
Thu Jan 21, 05-07:00pm, W11-Hillel Center
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Single session event
A shofar / ram's horn, one of the oldest instruments, has been used by Jews since Biblical days on special occasions. Come learn how to produce different sounds on the shofar, including the notes tekiah, teruah, and shevarim, used on the Jewish new year of Rosh Hashanah.
Contact: Miriam Rosenblum, W11-039, x3-2982,
Sponsor: Hillel
IAP Jam Session
Jeff Henrikson
Schedule: TBD
Enrollment limited: advance sign up required (see contact below)
Single session event
Exercise your creativity and challenge your musical ear by exploring improvisational music with us! Standard jazz tunes will form the basis of what we play, but suggestions for other improvised forms and styles are welcome and appreciated. Newbies, hobbyists, and fanatics of jazz or other improvisational music welcome alike!
The schedule is TBA to ease critical instrumentation shortages and accommodate varying interest levels. I am shooting for the end of the first week, so that if there are enough sufficiently interested people, we can play once a week or so for the rest of IAP. But don't worry about that for now. Just email me your name, instrument(s), any evening schedule constraints you have planned for IAP, and possibly a short couple of sentences about your musical interests. (listening as well as performance)
As the time comes nearer, the website will contain schedule updates and jam tune selections.
Contact: Jeff Henrikson, 225-6451,
Sponsor: Jeffrey E Henrikson, EAST CAMPUS, WALC, 225-6451,
Inventions of Note Concert: Popular American Songs about New Technologies
Peter Munstedt
Fri Jan 29, 02-03:00pm, 14E-109
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Limited to 60 students.
Single session event
Come listen to popular songs (from the 1870s to 1920) that
express the joy, horror, and amazement of new inventions
of the day. MIT faculty will bring this delightful music to
life. A smash hit last year, this concert (with different
songs) is brought back by popular demand.
Contact: Peter Munstedt, 253-5636,
Sponsor: Libraries
Mathematics Department Music Recital
Mark Skandera
Fri Jan 22, 03-05:00pm, Killian Hall
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Single session event
This annual concert gives those in the mathematics
community, together with family and friends, a chance
to perform for each other. Come to play, sing, or listen.
Contact: Mark Skandera, 2-333, x3-7826,
Sponsor: Mathematics
Melodic and Percussive East African Music Experience
James Makubuya
Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Jan 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 11am-01:00pm, N52-199
Enrollment limited: advance sign up required (see contact below)
Limited to 15 students.
Participants requested to attend all sessions (non-series)
Seven hands-on workshops will provide participants with an intensive melodic and percussive music experience from selected East African musical traditions. Sessions will offer hands-on practice and performance on various traditional musical instruments. Pre-register by contacting James Makubuya by e-mail by December 21. First-come, first enrolled.
Contact: James Makubuya, 14N-221B, x3-4964,
Sponsor: Music and Theater Arts
Middle Eastern Drumming Rhythms
George Kirby
Sun Jan 10, 08-10:00pm, W11-Hillel Center
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Single session event
Spend an evening learning Middle Eastern rhythms on the dara bukka/dumbeg, the hour-glass shaped drum. We will be learning and practicing a variety of rhythms and techniques especially as used for folk dancing. Bring your own drum if you have one.
Contact: Miriam Rosenblum, W11-040, x3-2982,
Sponsor: Hillel
Music of India
Kanika Agrawal
Wed, Jan 6, 13, 20, 27, 02-03:00pm
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Participants welcome at individual sessions (series)
India is a land of great diversity and variety in race, religion, culture, and food; music is no exception. The folk
songs, the religious bhajans, the film songs, and the various classical forms of music are enjoyed by everyone, regardless of status or education, because music is one of the things that brings harmony to a country of such
vastness and such differences. Whether you want to experience the pleasant lilt of a morning raga or the boldness of a fantastical movie song or, perhaps, the sultry voices of ivory-bangled Rajasthani women, join us in exploring the rich rhythms of India; it will be music to your ears.
Contact: Kanika Agrawal,
Sponsor: SANGAM
Opera Live -- "The Magic Flute"
Marshall Hughes
Tue, Jan 5, 12, 19, 26, 07:30-09:30pm, 4-270
No limit but advance sign up required
Participants requested to attend all sessions (non-series)
Prereq: minimum vocal experience
Come join the chorus of Mozart's "The Magic Flute," to be performed on Friday, Feb 5th. at 7:30 PM in Kresge Auditorium. Chorus members must attend rehearsals on Tuesday evenings, Janurary 5-26. Rehearsals will lead to the performance (cost $5 for the MIT community). The performance will be narrated by Professor Arthur Steinberg in a light you've never seen him in before! For more information, contact Marshall Hughes,
Contact: Marshall Hughes, x3-8045,
Sponsor: Marshall Hughes, 26 157, x3-8045,
Part Singing Workshop
Kate Thornton
Thu Jan 7, 08:30-09:30pm, Mezzanine Lounge
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Single session event
Come and learn how to sing different parts. Sextets, Duets, all skill levels welcome. At the Student Center's Mezzanine Lounge.
Contact: Kate Thornton,
Sponsor: Gilbert and Sullivan Players
Sacred Harp Singing
June Matthews
Mon Jan 18, 07:45-10:00pm, 26-414
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Single session event
Prereq: none
Learn the basics of shape-note singing as found in The
Sacred Harp, the tunebook in print since 1844. Four-part
unaccompanied vocal music with spine-tingling harmonies
from early New England & the South on up to the recent past.
No experience necessary; come to sing or listen.
Music available for loan this evening.
Contact: June Matthews, x3-4238,
Sponsor: Anne L Kazlauskas, 7 238, x8-6679,
Scurrilous Songs
Jan-Willem Maessen
Thu Jan 14, 07-09:00pm, 1-150
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Single session event
Join us as we explore certain scurrilous songs from Period (c. 1000 to 1600 A.D.). Bring your sense of humour and fun.
Contact: Jennifer Chung,
Sponsor: Society for Creative Anachronism
Sondheim Part Singing Workshop
Kate Thornton
Thu Jan 14, 08:30-09:30pm, Sala de Puerto Rico
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Single session event
We will cover basic Sondheim parts and sing different songs. Bring your scores if you would like. No Divas!
Contact: Kate Thornton,
Sponsor: Gilbert and Sullivan Players
The Aurelius Ensemble Presents Poulenc Potpourri
Elaine Chew
Fri Jan 29, 08-10:00pm, Killian Hall, Also on January 30 at 8pm
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Participants welcome at individual sessions (series)
Prereq: none
Two performances celebrating the 100th birthday of Francis Poulenc. Largely self-taught, Poulenc's music is readily recognizable by its simple clarity, strong rhythms, and innovative harmonies. In the 1920s, Poulenc was part of Les Six, a group of young French composers who wanted to divorce Impressionism and Germanicism from French music and create an amalgam from Igor Stravinsky, Eric Satie, and popular forms. We bring to you some of his chamber music classics -- the clarinet and violin sonatas, his sonata for piano-four-hands and his Sextet for winds and piano. The players are: Agnieszka Stachowiak, flute ('01); Eran Egozy, clarinet (G); Susan Dacy, oboe (G); Joseph Davis, bassoon (G); John Chapin, horn (fac); Nina Chen, violin (G); Elaine Chew, piano (G); Ronni Schwartz, piano (staff); Yukiko Ueno, piano
For information, view our web sites at
Contact: Elaine Chew, 14N-207, x3-3210,
Sponsor: Music and Theater Arts
The Steel Pans (Drums) of Trinidad & Tobago
Mackie Burnette Steel Pan Instructor, Dwaine Clarke
Mon, Fri, Jan 11, 15, 19, 22, 25, 29, 03:15-04:45pm, N52-199, also taught 5:15-6:45 pm
Enrollment limited: advance sign up required (see contact below)
Participants requested to attend all sessions (non-series)
Fee: 20.00 for admission
Learn the basics of playing the Caribbean's most renowned musical instrument. This hands-on workshop will concentrate on various techniques used to play steel pan. Participants will also be introduced to the history of the instrument, pan tuning, and the influence of folk rhythms on the artform. This workshop will consist of 6 sessions, each 90 minutes long. No prior musical experience is necessary; all levels are welcome. Venue: Endicott World Music Center, Bldg N52, Room 199; 265 Mass Ave, Cambridge. This event was made possible, in part, by the Grants Program of the Council for the Arts at MIT and the MIT Committee on Campus Race Relations
Contact: Dwaine Clarke, Burton-Conner, Rm 411A, 225-8341,
Sponsor: MIT Caribbean Club
Welcome to Course MIX!
Philip Tan
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Participants welcome at individual sessions (series)
Just what makes a DJ? If you spin for parties, go clubbing, or just like dance music, this series is for you. Train to be a trainspotter. Tool on your techniques. Televise some turntablism. Brought to you by the MIT Dance Mix Coalition!
Contact: Philip Tan, East Campus, Box #306, 225-6339,
Sponsor: Dance Mix Coalition
MIX.001 Structure and Interpretation of Dance Music
Philip Tan
What is trainspotting? A whirlwind tour of dancefloor music through the ages, from rock'n'roll to drum'n'bass. DJ giants past and present. What is a break? What makes a classic track? How do you shop for dance music? Where did this sample come from?
Tue Jan 5, 07:30-08:30pm, 6-120
MIX.002 Cued Cuts and Eventronics
Philip Tan
It's a party and no one's dancing! How do you choose music to rock your audience? Learn how pace your party and time your tracks. Putting your personal stamp on your sets. Also: the best floor-filling and worst floor-emptying tracks of all time!
Tue Jan 12, 07:30-08:30pm, 6-120
MIX.003 Slipmats and Sliders
Dan Wang
The bane and boon of dance DJs: beatmatching and scratching! How to make two tracks sound like one, or one sound completely different. Why do dance DJs hate taking requests? Tools & tricks of the trade: mixers, turntables, CD mixers, effects.
Tue Jan 19, 07:30-08:30pm, 6-120
MIX.004 Turntablation Segments
Philip Tan
An hour of scratching on the screen! World and US champions face off on the wheels of steel. The Invisibl Skratch Picklz demo basic turntablism tricks on video. Athletic contortionist stunts, weird props & fingerpoint accuracy. Chill with the beats!
Tue Jan 26, 07:30-08:30pm, 6-120