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Better Teaching @ MIT
Lori Breslow
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Participants welcome at individual sessions (series)
Are you a TA? Thinking about becoming one in the near future? Do you think teaching at MIT could be improved? If so, this year's Better Teaching at MIT series is for you! The sessions are open to all members of the MIT community, but this year we'll be focusing on the problems and challenges faced by graduate students who teach.
Contact: Anders W. Hove, 5-119, x3-6399, anders@mit.edu
Sponsor: Teaching and Learning Lab
Tech's Top TAs Talk Turkey
Lori Breslow
This year's Better Teaching series kicks off with a session at which MIT's top TAs will spill the beans on how they made their names as "Tech's Top TAs."
Wed Jan 20, 02-03:00pm, 9-151
Active Learning
Larry Bucciarelli
When you create a classroom ambience that encourages student questioning, argument, and real-time experimentation, what are the risks? Loss of control, for one. Uncritically smiley-faced assessment of student's work can be another. This session shows ways of meeting such challenges through design exercises for engineering/science subjects. Bucciarelli is a creative realist!
Thu Jan 21, 02-03:00pm, 9-151
How to Be an Effective Head TA
Michael Jacknis
Thought you'd mastered the art of TAing? Wait till you try being the Head TA! In this session, two of MIT's favorite Head TAs present a How-To guide for new Head TAs.
Fri Jan 22, 02-03:00pm, 9-151
Using MIT's New Educational Technologies
Elizabeth DeRienzo, David Wallace, Katie Livingston Vale, Jo
Monday's program, part of the Better Teaching series, will feature three hour-long sessions on the use of new educational technologies. Elizabeth DeRienzo leads off with a demonstration of techniques and facilities for distance learning. Professor David Wallace and Katie Livingston Vale follow at 2:00 for a discussion of Teaching on the Web. At 3:00, Professor John Belcher wraps up with a demonstration of how Web-based programming can teach difficult concepts in electromagnetism.
Mon Jan 25, 01-04:00pm, 9-151
Effective Visual Techniques
Jeff Meldman
When is it effective to use visual devices? What are the pros and cons of different devices, like blackboards, overheads, and others? How can visuals be used to maximum advantage? And what should you never, ever do?
Tue Jan 26, 02-03:00pm, 9-151
How to Speak
Patrick Winston
MIT's legendary Patrick Winston presents his renowned session on how to speak, the grand finale to this year's Better Teaching series.
Thu Jan 28, 11am-12:00pm, 6-120
Comments to iap-www@mit.edu
Listing generated: 14-Jan-1999