Careers in Civil and Environmental Engineering
Yasmin Rehmanjee , Emily Chen
Fri Jan 29, 09am-05:00pm, Bush Room 10-105
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Single session event
A career day to explore opportunities in civil and environmental engineering. It will bring together various professionals from different areas such as academia and consulting in a panel discussion. Sponsored by Civil and Environmental Engineering Student Association (CEESA).
Contact: Yasmin Rehmanjee or Emily Chen, or
Concrete Canoe Competition
Nathaniel Grier , Dr. John T. Germaine
Mon Jan 11, 10am-12:00pm, 1-350, First Meeting
No limit but advance sign up required
Participants requested to attend all sessions (non-series)
Prereq: None
This activity will focus on the construction of the canoe for the 1999 ASCE Concrete Canoe Competition in April. We will work on all stages of construction. Participants from all majors, grads and undergrads, are welcome! No experience required. Optional credit can be arranged. Sign up by January 8th by emailing
Contact: Nathaniel Grier,
Cracking the Code: Biblical and Classical Allusions in American Speech
Debbie Levey, Technical Writer, Course One
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Participants welcome at individual sessions (series)
Prereq: None
People and situations from Greek mythology and the Bible have profoundly affected our everyday language. Who was Hercules, besides being a movie and TV star? If you help an accident victim in the street, why are you dubbed a Good Samaritan? Why did your ESL teacher call the classroom the new Tower of Babel? Learn symbols and key words from the most popular stories so that you can understand these widely used references. We will cover common visual symbols, such as Christmas themes, Noah's ark, Heaven and Hell, and subjects most often seen in Western art museums. Important note: This class is about language, not religion.
Contact: Debbie Levey, Technical Writer, Course One, 1-383, x3-7112,
Old Testament References in American Speech and Song
Debbie Levey, Technical Writer, Course One
Wed Jan 13, 10am-12:00pm, 1-242
New Testament and Greek Mythology in American Speech and Song
Debbie Levey, Technical Writer, Course One
Thu Jan 14, 10am-12:00pm, 1-242
Discover Course 1 --Public Lectures by Civil and Environmental Engineering Faculty
Patricia Dixon
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Participants welcome at individual sessions (series)
Prereq: None
Want to hear about exciting engineering projects? Come and hear from faculty in the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department. Refreshments served!
Contact: Patricia Dixon, 1-290, x3-2335,
Traffic Simulation
Prof. Moshe Ben-Akiva
Wed Jan 6, 02-03:00pm, 2-131
Biosphere-Atmosphere Interactions
Prof. Elfatih Eltahir
Wed Jan 6, 03-04:00pm, 2-131
Arsenic and Old Waste
Prof. Harold Hemond
The events portrayed in the recently-released film "A Civil Action" make
reference to the contamination, by organic solvents, of city wells located
in the Aberjona River valley. Yet, with a history of almost two centuries
of industrial activity, the valley has become contaminated with many other chemicals as well. In this talk, we will discuss other chemicals now present in the watershed of the Aberjona River, and focus especially on arsenic.
Wed Jan 13, 02-03:00pm, 1-390
Can Ocean C02 Sequestration Help Prevent Global Warming?
Dr. Eric Adams
One option to help reduce the build-up of atmospheric greenhouse gases is
to capture carbon dioxide from power plants, or other stationary combustion
sources, and inject it directly into the ocean. Most of the CO2 which we
now put in the atmosphere enters the ocean anyway, but the so-called
biological and dissolution pumps are very slow; direct injection could
speed the process, short-circuiting the CO2's deleterious residence within
the atmosphere. Would this be an effective strategy? In particular, (1)
will the injected CO2 remain in the ocean sufficiently long to justify the
costs, and (2) will there be adverse impacts to the marine environment that
offset the reduced atmospheric-terrestrial impact? The seminar will
summarize modeling studies which address these two issues, and describe an upcoming internationally sponsored pilot scale field experiment designed to
help test the strategy.
Wed Jan 13, 03-04:00pm, 1-390
Wavelet Representations for Data Modeling
Prof. Kevin Amaratunga
Wed Jan 20, 02-03:00pm, 1-390
Tren Urbano: Building a New Rail System in San Juan
Prof. Nigel Wilson
Wed Jan 20, 03-04:00pm, 1-390
The Northumberland Bridge Project (and Other Experiments
with Project Delivery and Finance)
Prof. John Miller
Wed Jan 27, 02-03:00pm, 1-390
Underground Construction in Boston
Prof. Andrew Whittle
Wed Jan 27, 03-04:00pm, 1-390
Environmental Perspectives: Research at MIT
Prof. Bettina Voelker , Julia Parsons '01
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Participants welcome at individual sessions (series)
Prereq: None
Presentations by MIT faculty and staff on scientific, technological and policy issues relating to the environment. Come to any or all lectures for a sampling of the latest environmental research at MIT. Cosponsored by the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and SAVE.
Contact: Prof. Bettina Volker or Julia Parsons, 48-419, x3-3726, or
Colloidal Transport of Plutonium at the Nevada Test Site
Kenneth R. Czerwinski
Tue Jan 5, 03-04:00pm, 56-154
Should We Fertilize the Oceans?
Sallie W. Chisholm
Thu Jan 7, 03-04:00pm, 56-154
The Fate of Benzene Discharge from a Superfund Site
Philip Gschwend
Tue Jan 12, 03-04:00pm, 56-154
Can We Quantify the Human Impact on Climate?
Peter Stone
Thu Jan 14, 03-04:00pm, 56-154
The Global Anthropogenic Lead Emission Experiment
Edward A. Boyle
Tue Jan 19, 03-04:00pm, 56-154
What's Choking the Black Sea--An Extreme Example of Human-Induced Eutrophication
Paola Rizzoli
Thu Jan 21, 03-04:00pm, 56-154
The Ins and Outs of Recycling
Scott Cassel and the 11.949 Students
Tue Jan 26, 03-04:00pm, 56-154
Seawalls as Coastal Protection: Are They Good or Bad?
Ole S. Madsen
Thu Jan 28, 03-04:00pm, 56-154
From Spring-Friction Devices to Constitutive Modeling
Prof. Franz-Jossef Ulm
Thu, Fri, Jan 14, 15, 21, 02:30pm-04:30am, 1-236
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Participants requested to attend all sessions (non-series)
This six-hour crash course gives a short introduction to comprehensive constitutive modeling of engineering materials. Emphasis placed on 1D-rheological schemes illustrating elastic, plastic and chemo-mechanical material behavior.
Contact: Prof. Franz-Jossef Ulm, 1-280, x3-3544,
Geosynthetic Clay Liner
Dr. Rolf Nuesch, ETH-Zurich, Switzerland
Wed Jan 27, Thu Jan 28, Fri Jan 29, 09am-05:00pm, 1-375
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Participants requested to attend all sessions (non-series)
This is a sequel to the 1998 IAP on the fundamentals of applied clay mineralogy. The 1999 IAP subject will start with a short review of these fundamentals. It will then emphasize the practical application of the clay liners. Specifically, Geosynthetic Clay Liners (GCL) and their use in waste sites and road and tunnel construction will be discussed including comments on advantages and disadvantages. The discussion will show that fundamentals of clay mineralogy are important to understand the performance of GCL. There will be a break from 12 noon to 1 p.m. each day.
Contact: Prof. Herbert Einstein, 1-342, x3-3598,
Will Venice Survive?
Prof. Andrea Rinaldo , Prof. Rafael L. Bras, Prof. Donald R.F. Harleman, Prof. Chiang C. Mei
Thu Jan 7, Fri Jan 8, 02:30-05:00pm, 48-316
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Participants requested to attend all sessions (non-series)
Prereq: None
The survival of Venice is perceived by many as the paradigm of the choices that humankind will have to face in the future. Will Venice, cradle of art and once a ruling power in the old world, survive? The discussion of several chosen
topics will introduce a complex and relevant CEE problem. The class focuses on: sea-level rise and land subsidence scenarios; environmental pollution; geomorphologic and hydrologic issues; hydrodynamic problems. Also critically examined are flooding problems--'Acqua alta'--and proposed intervention schemes.
Contact: Prof. Andrea Rinaldo, 48-209, 253-7176, (email preferred)