Getting What You Want; Selling Yourself and Your Ideas
Les Gray
Wed Jan 13, Thu Jan 14, Fri Jan 15, 01-05:00pm, 1-375, First come, first served
Enrollment limited: advance sign up required (see contact below)
Limited to 30 students.
Participants requested to attend all sessions (non-series)
Signup by: 31-DEC-98
Prereq: none
The ability to convince others that you, your ideas, and your products are valuable is one of the most important skills of successful people. You have to be able to convince employers, your boss, investors, customers, and if you are lucky, the opposite sex. This course will give you an understanding of what is needed to launch your career successfully, and to make you a better, wealthier, and more effective engineer or scientist. You will learn specific skills and techniques tht really work, including practice selling yourself. Learn how to ask the questions that get people to say "yes." Bring a copy of your resume with you.
This seminar is co-sponsored by the MIT Entrepreneurship Center.
Contact: Jean Sucharewicz,
Mary Agnes Mullowney
Sat Jan 9, 12:30-04:30pm, 1-134
Enrollment limited: advance sign up required (see contact below)
Limited to 20 students.
Single session event
Signup by: 31-DEC-98
Prereq: None
An introduction to the ancient art of palmistry, a path to understanding yourself and others by studying the lines and markings of the hand. A mini-reading of each student's palm is included in the course. Please sign up via email only.
Contact: Mary A. Mullowney,