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Dance Mix Coalition
Welcome to Course MIX!
Philip Tan
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Participants welcome at individual sessions (series)
Just what makes a DJ? If you spin for parties, go clubbing, or just like dance music, this series is for you. Train to be a trainspotter. Tool on your techniques. Televise some turntablism. Brought to you by the MIT Dance Mix Coalition!
Web: http://web.mit.edu/mitdmc/www/iap
Contact: Philip Tan, East Campus, Box #306, 225-6339, philip@mit.edu
MIX.001 Structure and Interpretation of Dance Music
Philip Tan
What is trainspotting? A whirlwind tour of dancefloor music through the ages, from rock'n'roll to drum'n'bass. DJ giants past and present. What is a break? What makes a classic track? How do you shop for dance music? Where did this sample come from?
Tue Jan 5, 07:30-08:30pm, 6-120
MIX.002 Cued Cuts and Eventronics
Philip Tan
It's a party and no one's dancing! How do you choose music to rock your audience? Learn how pace your party and time your tracks. Putting your personal stamp on your sets. Also: the best floor-filling and worst floor-emptying tracks of all time!
Tue Jan 12, 07:30-08:30pm, 6-120
MIX.003 Slipmats and Sliders
Dan Wang
The bane and boon of dance DJs: beatmatching and scratching! How to make two tracks sound like one, or one sound completely different. Why do dance DJs hate taking requests? Tools & tricks of the trade: mixers, turntables, CD mixers, effects.
Tue Jan 19, 07:30-08:30pm, 6-120
MIX.004 Turntablation Segments
Philip Tan
An hour of scratching on the screen! World and US champions face off on the wheels of steel. The Invisibl Skratch Picklz demo basic turntablism tricks on video. Athletic contortionist stunts, weird props & fingerpoint accuracy. Chill with the beats!
Tue Jan 26, 07:30-08:30pm, 6-120
Comments to iap-www@mit.edu
Listing generated: 14-Jan-1999