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Marshall Hughes
Opera Live -- "The Magic Flute"
Marshall Hughes
Tue, Jan 5, 12, 19, 26, 07:30-09:30pm, 4-270
No limit but advance sign up required
Participants requested to attend all sessions (non-series)
Prereq: minimum vocal experience
Come join the chorus of Mozart's "The Magic Flute," to be performed on Friday, Feb 5th. at 7:30 PM in Kresge Auditorium. Chorus members must attend rehearsals on Tuesday evenings, Janurary 5-26. Rehearsals will lead to the performance (cost $5 for the MIT community). The performance will be narrated by Professor Arthur Steinberg in a light you've never seen him in before! For more information, contact Marshall Hughes, devil@mit.edu
Contact: Marshall Hughes, x3-8045, devil@mit.edu
Comments to iap-www@mit.edu
Listing generated: 14-Jan-1999