Biomedical Research in HST
H. Frederick Bowman
Thu Jan 28, 05:30-07:30pm, E25-119
HST was inaugurated in 1971 to foster the development of health related education, research and service. Currently HST faculty and students are engaged in exciting cutting-edge research spanning the fields of Biomedical Sciences, Bioengineering and Biomedical Engineering. Samples of these research projects conducted by HST faculty members and students at MIT, Harvard, and the affiliated hospitals will be presented.
Contact: Amanda Hosmer, E25-518, x3-2307,
HST Biomedical Engineering Doctoral Programs I: MEMP
H. Frederick Bowman
Tue Jan 5, 02-04:00pm, E25-119
HST's Medical Engineering and Medical Physics (MEMP) Program is one of the largest biomedical engineering doctoral programs in the nation. This program is intended to provide sufficient grounding in medicine, science, and engineering to enable students to both formulate and solve problems at the interface of technology, biomedical sciences, and clinical medicine. Several HST faculty members and current MEMP students will present and discuss unique features of the HST Ph.D. program in Biomedical Engineering, and will answer any questions students might have.
Contact: H. Frederick Bowman, E25-518, x3-7426,
HST Biomedical Engineering Doctoral Programs II: Speech and Hearing Sciences (SHS)
Louis D. Braida , Susan Voss, Joseph Perkell, Students
Thu Jan 7, 02-04:00pm, E25-119
The objective of this multidisciplinary educational program is to develop research scientist, rather than clinical practitioners, by introducing the physical and biological bases of speech and hearing mechanisms through quantitative analyses of the underlying mechanisms involved in communication processes. Students in the Speech and Hearing Sciences Program have the opportunity to choose from a wide variety of research topics in laboratories at MIT, Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary, Harvard Medical School and its other affiliated hospitals. Several SHS faculty members and current students will demonstrate unique features of the HST Speech and Hearing Sciences Doctoral Program, and will answer any questions students might have.
Contact: Keiko Fujiwara (Oh), E25-518, x3-3609,
Medical School at MIT?
Daniel C. Shannon
Thu Jan 14, 11:30am-02:00pm, E25-119
YES... MIT joined with Harvard University and Harvard Medical School in 1970 to form the "Health Sciences and Technology" (HST) Program. HST's Medical Sciences curriculum leads to an M.D. degree from Harvard Medical School. Students in this program are registered as graduate students at MIT as well as at Harvard Medical School. Classes are given both at MIT and at Harvard. This program is oriented toward students with strong interests in a career in biomedical research. Typically half of those student who matriculate majored in biological sciences and half in physical sciences. Several HST faculty members and current MDs, as well as M.D.-Ph.D., students will present and discuss all aspects of the M.D. program.
Contact: H. Frederick Bowman, E25-518, x3-7426,