IAP 99 Non-Credit Activities by Sponsor

Knight Fellows

Cartooning Workshop
Larry Gonick
Mon Jan 11, Tue Jan 12, Wed Jan 13, 03-05:00pm, E32-305

Enrollment limited: advance sign up required (see contact below)
Limited to 15 students.
Participants requested to attend all sessions (non-series)
Learn basic techniques of cartoon expression from celebrated writer/artist Larry Gonick.Topics covered will include gestural drawing, simple figures, faces, expressions, body language, and the use of short narratives in comics. Materials: students will be expected to bring a 9"x12" sketch pad, pencils, and a fine-tipped black magic marker.
Contact: Martha Henry, E32-315, 253-2336, mshenry@mit.edu

Cartooning: Trivial Pursuit or Path to Enlightenment
Larry Gonick
Thu Jan 14, 07:30-09:00pm, Room 3-370

No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Single session event
The word "cartoony" is almost always used pejoratively, and the medium of comics is not held in especially high regard by critics of culture or literature. Why, then, do cartoons engage people so deeply? Why is Dilbert thumb-tacked somewhere in every office? How can a single, simple drawing irrevocably alter our perception of reality? The author discusses these questions, using illustrations from his own work, and shows how cartoons, by their nature, can capture essences in a way denied to the other arts. Larry Gonick is the author/cartoonist of the popular and respected The Cartoon History of the Universe and coauthor of the Cartoon Guide Series, which includes The Cartoon Guide to Statistics, The Cartoon Guide to Physics, and forthcoming, The Cartoon Guide to Sex.
Contact: Martha Henry, E32-315, 253-2336, mshenry@mit.edu

Will Science Journalists Ever Get It Right?
Boyce Rensberger , Knight Science Journalism Fellows
Thu Jan 28, 03-05:00pm, Room 3-370

No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Single session event
A candid look at how the mass media work, how they treat science and how scientists ought to treat them. The 1998-99 Knight Science Journalism Fellows--eight experienced science and technology writers--explain how the media think about science, offer advice on how you can deal more effectively with the press, and field your questions. Do science journalists have a responsibility to promote science? Do scientists have a right to refuse to cooperate with the press? How to prepare for an interview so that you're happy with the result. Do you have a right to read the story before publication? Who writes those headlines, anyway? What should you do if the story gets it wrong? When should you call a press conference? What does it actually mean to go "off the record"?
Contact: Robin Lloyd, E32-300, 253-3345, rlloyd@mit.edu

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Listing generated: 14-Jan-1999