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Nishikant Sonwalkar
Empower Your Learning with Interactive Hypermedia
Dr. Nishikant Sonwalkar Director, Hypermedia Teaching Facility, Michael Kashambuzi, Laura Koller
Mon Jan 25, Wed Jan 27, Fri Jan 29, 01-04:00pm, 9-250, Will use electronic class room
Enrollment limited: advance sign up required (see contact below)
Limited to 25 students.
Participants requested to attend all sessions (non-series)
Prereq: School of engineering and science students
This course will provide a unique opprotunity for MIT students and TAs to enhance their learning experince using interactive hypermedia environments. This course will involve interactive sessions related to introductory Mechanical Engineering, Operations Research, Chemical Engineering and Physics subjects. Each interactive module will allow students to meet a specific learning goal and evaluate the learning process. The students will learn about interactive hypermedia and learn how to use it for maximizing their learning potential in the web-based educational medium.
Web: http://curricula.mit.edu/iap1999/
Contact: Michael Kashambuzi, 9-250, x8-0816, michaelk@nish.mit.edu
Comments to iap-www@mit.edu
Listing generated: 14-Jan-1999