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Undergraduate Association
Second Annual Diversity of Thought Symposium
Sharmin Ghaznavi , Erzsike J. Reierstad
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Participants welcome at individual sessions (series)
Prereq: none
The Second Annual Diversity of Thought Symposium is a four part lecture series with a focus on the contributions of perspective and different paradigms of thought on intellectual inquiry and pursuits.
Contact: Sharmin Ghaznavi, W20-401, 225-7623, shar@mit.edu
Philosophy Panel
Sharmin Ghaznavi , Erzsike J. Reierstad
The Second Annual Diversity of Thought Symposium is a four part lecture series with a focus on the contributions of perspective and different paradigms of thought on intellectual inquiry and pursuits. The Philosophy Panel will host speakers who will focus on how diverse paradigms of thought enrich intellectual inquiry.
Tue Jan 5, 07-??:00pm, 3-270
Student Panel
Sharmin Ghaznavi , Erzsike J. Reierstad
The Second Annual Diversity of Thought Symposium is a four part lecture series with a focus on the contributions of perspective and different paradigms of thought on intellectual inquiry and pursuits. The Student panel will consist of MIT students who will share how perspective has shaped them
Thu Jan 14, 07-??:00pm, 3-270
Disciplines Panel
Sharmin Ghaznavi , Erzsike J. Reierstad
The Second Annual Diversity of Thought Symposium is a four part lecture series with a focus on the contributions of perspective and different paradigms of thought on intellectual inquiry and pursuits. The Disciplines panel will host speakers from different academic disciplines who will speak to how their backgrounds and their disciplines have shaped the way they think and work.
Thu Jan 21, 07-??:00pm, 3-270
Alumni Panel
Sharmin Ghaznavi , Erzsike J. Reierstad
The Second Annual Diversity of Thought Symposium is a four part lecture series with a focus on the contributions of perspective and different paradigms of thought on intellectual inquiry and pursuits. The Alumni panel will consist of MIT alumni who will share how their experiences at MIT have enriched their perspectives and how that has played out in their careers.
Thu Jan 28, 07-??:00pm, 3-270
Comments to iap-www@mit.edu
Listing generated: 14-Jan-1999