Diet for a New America Video Showing
Ed Piekos , Laura Dilley
Tue Jan 5, 08-10:00pm, 2-105
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Single session event
Have you ever thought about how your food choices affect your health, the environment, and the economy? Accompany Pulitzer Prize-nominated author John Robbins on an exploration of these issues. An open discussion will follow the video.
Contact: Ed Piekos, 37-442, 253-3549,
How Now, Mad Cow?
Michael Greger Tufts Medical
Mon Jan 11, 11am-12:00pm, 6-120
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Single session event
Mad cow disease has led to 2.2 million dead cattle, a ban on British beef, and a medical controversy in Europe. This talk will cover the history of mad cow disease, its infectious agent, the prion, and the likelihood of an outbreak in the U.S.
Contact: Laura Dilley, 36-597, 253-5869,
Vegetarian Cooking Class Series
Leah Daigle, Aramark
Enrollment limited: advance sign up required (see contact below)
Limited to 25 students.
Participants welcome at individual sessions (series)
Fee: 5.00 for food costs
Are you interested in sharpening (or aquiring) skills in vegetarian cooking? These classes are intended to cover a wide range of styles and are aimed at people with all levels of experience in the kitchen. There is a $5 fee per class to cover the food we'll cook - and eat! Preregister to hold
your spot as these classes are often over-subscribed.
Contact: Leah Daigle,, W20-507, x3-2814,
Quick and Easy Vegetarian Cooking
Leah Daigle, Aramark
Have you heard it claimed that vegetarian cooking takes more time? Come and experience tasty proof of this statement's fallacy. We'll help you prepare fast meals that require only basic equipment no prior cooking experience.
Wed Jan 20, 04-07:00pm, Networks Restaurant
Demystifying Soyfoods
Leah Daigle, Aramark
Frightened by tofu? Think "tempeh" is a Latin dance? We will make everything from beverages to main dishes to desserts from the versatile soybean and present information on how to buy and store it's various incarnations.
Thu Jan 21, 04-07:00pm, Networks Restaurant
Gourmet Vegetarian Cooking
Leah Daigle, Aramark
This class will show you that there is much more to vegetarian meals than plain brown rice with broccoli. We will prepare a gourmet vegetarian meal that will draw enthusiastic praise from even the most sophisticated of palates.
Fri Jan 22, 04-07:00pm, Networks Restaurant
Vegetarianism: Replacing the Myths with Science
Ed Piekos , Laura Dilley
Thu Jan 28, 01-02:00pm, 3-133
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Single session event
Are vegetarian diets deficient in protein? Does milk decrease your risk of osteoporosis? Are vegetarians often anemic? Come and hear what the scientific literature says about vegetarians, their health, and their effect on the environment.
Contact: Ed Piekos, 37-442, 253-3549,