This site has been archived. iCampus was active from 1999 to 2006.

Campus Tour Bot

January–December 2006

MIT tours traditionally involved a guide leading a group of visitors around campus as they described points of interest and fielded questions. Without a compelling view of the labs and events related to campus life, such tours provided a narrow perspective on the broad experience of life and learning at MIT.

By incorporating a robotic Campus TourBot guide, the tourist experience of MIT’s Infinite Corridor and its connected buildings will be enhanced. The TourBot will tailor its path and style to the needs of specific groups, providing location-specific information and opportunities for tour participants to request additional in-depth information in multiple languages, as well as short films and greetings from faculty and administrators. Campus TourBot will provide an introductory touring experience of MIT that matches its reputation for research and innovation.

Student Participants: Collin Johnson, Jeremy Conrad, Kyle Vogt, Will Bosworth, Jason Steininger-Holmes, Behram Mistree

Faculty Advisor: Prof. Seth Teller