Education (Download full CV here...)
of Belgrade
Diploma Engineering (1974)
Masters of Electrical Engineering
University - St. Louis, MO
Doctor of Science, Systems
Science and Mathematics (1980)
of Science, Systems Sciencie and Mathematics (1978)
Carnegie Mellon University.
Professor of ECE and EPP
(Sept. 2002 to present)
Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Senior Research Scientist
(Sept. 1989 to Aug. 2002)
National Science Foundation.
Program Director, Electrical
Commuications Systems (ECS) Division (Sept. 1999 to Mar. 2001)
Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Visiting Associate Professor
(Sept. 1987 to Sept. 1989)
University of Illinois.
Associate Professor (with
tenure) (Aug. 1986 to Aug. 1989)
University of Illinois.
Assistant Professor (Aug.
1984 to Aug. 1986)
General Electric R&D Center.
Visiting Researcher (June
1984 to Aug. 1984)
Cornell University.
Assistant Professor (July
1982 to June 1984)
Drexel University.
Assistant Professor (Aug.
1981 to July 1982)
Washington University.
Research Associate and Lecturer
(Jan. 1981 to Aug. 1981)
Washington University.
Student Research Assistant
(Aug. 1975 to Dec. 1980)
Institute for Automation and Telecommunications, Belgrade.
Principal Research Engineer
(Sept. 1976 to Aug. 1977)
Miscellaneous Consulting (1985 to present, clients in alphabetical order)
Analytic Science Co. (The), Brattle/IRI, Inc., Decision Systems, International
Inc., ENMASS Co., Fulcrum International, Inc., General Electric R&D Center,
Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc., New England Electric Service Co., Power
Technologies, Inc., Standard Poor's (Energy), Tabors and Caramanis Associates,
US Department of Energy