Interweave: CNC Braiding Machine

Thread weaving machine.
Initial Concept Sketch One of Melissa's early sketches
Different types and/or colors of thread are held in pucks. Each puck contains an embedded magnet that can couple to the head of a moving XY stage.
Inked Final Sketch Final Draft
The pucks are supported on an acrylic grid with slots for the threads to pass. All of the threads reconvene as they pass thru an aperture in the bottom of the device before being spooled onto a rotating take-up shaft.
Initial Concept Sketch One of Melissa's early sketches
The pucks are sequentially shuffled to braid the threads. The braid forming at the aperture.
Inked Final Sketch Final Draft
A close-up view of the braid. The longest run of braid produced was 3 feet.
Initial Concept Sketch One of Melissa's early sketches
The same electronics from the MTM Multifab control the braiding machine. A python script is used to control the motion of the head, including functions like coupling and decoupling from the pucks.
Inked Final Sketch Final Draft
The core of the puck. A spring-loaded tensioner keeps the thread taut through the puck's range of motion.
Initial Concept Sketch
Machining a bunch of pucks out of a sheet of delrin.