MIT India Initiative
President Susan Hockfield led an MIT delegation on a historic trip to India Nov. 16-24, 2007, meeting with key government and business leaders and strengthening ties between the Institute and the world's largest democracy.
This trip was one of the latest activities tied to the MIT-India Initiative, which reflects the culmination of a series of concepts and collaborations, some in existence for decades, along with a vision for a new type of cooperative international enterprise. It represents the coming together of what are perhaps the most distinctive features of MIT as research university — the willingness to transcend disciplinary and national boundaries, an intense commitment to innovation — and India's determination to do well by its citizens and earn its rightful place as a leading participant in the community of nations.
To read about the history and current status of MIT's relationship with India, including descriptions of the Institute's India-related projects as well as the people involved with these projects, please see the full description of the MIT-India Initiative (PDF).
The primary mission of the MIT-India Initiative is to foster collaboration between the faculty and students at MIT, and faculty and students at academic and research institutions in India. Among its specific goals are enabling the creation of long-term projects involving groups from both MIT and Indian institutions; and promoting inclusive growth, sustainable development, educational leadership, entrepreneurship, new models of governance, and advanced, results- focused research in India.
Support MIT's activities in India
Gifts to support activities of the MIT faculty, students, and staff engaged in activities related to India or activities of Indian faculty, students, and staff engaged in activities related to the MIT-India Initiative.