
Tips on Survey Administration
Presentations by Jag Patel

Qualtrics Best Practices for the Academic User

Qualtrics Best Practices for the Academic User (June 2015)
- What we know: mobile is growing; inboxes are flooded; respondents drop out
- What to do: design surveys for mobile; examine survey meta data; improve email open rates
- Proposed exercises to look beyond the survey questions

Evolution of COFHE Surveys

Evolution of COFHE Surveys (May 2015)
- History of MIT Web Survey Service
- Visual meta data
- Review operating systems and screen sizes versus survey completion
- Time contact by survey type to avoid long surveys during peak mobile use
- Test and vary subject lines and senders
- Proposed survey commandments and social survey contract

Qualtrics Insight Summit 2015: Best Practices for the Academic User (February 2015)
- Test more than the questions: subject line, from line, greeting
- Test your questions
- Look at meta data
- Are the same people answering... or not?
- Should you send surveys in a blizzard?

AAUDE 2014 Qualtrics Working Group (April 2014)
- Test more than the questions
- Best practices in subject lines
- Not "forcing" a response
- Awarding incentives

Qualtrics Insight Summit 2014: Best Practices for the Academic User (February 2014)
- Survey Creation and Editing
- Panels and Embedded Data
- Awarding Incentives
- Sharing Reports

Qualtrics Word Export "Facelift" Instructions
Qualtrics allows you to export your survey with the coding and logic as a Word document. These instructions will help tighten up the look of that export to reduce the number of pages.

Qualtrics Tips for 2013 COFHE-IR Meeting
A dense reference document with a number of Qualtrics tips.

How MIT IR Runs Surveys, Qualtrics Customer Roundtable (August 2013)
MIT Institutional Research is responsible for planning, designing and administering large scale surveys of the MIT Community and beyond. This session will give an overview of how we run major surveys and analyze them.