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May 1, 2008 | 5:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. | Interactive Session

Human capital and technology in call centres
Andries De Grip, Research Centre for Education and the Labour Market, and Institute for the Study of Labour, Jan Sauermann,* Research Centre for Education and the Labour Market, and Inge Sieben, Tilburg University

Corporate governance in Argentina: Business groups adaptation during the post market reforms period

Diego Finchelstein, Northwestern University

Industrial Policy: What Do Other Countries Know That We Don't
Owen Herrnstadt, The International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers

The role of occupationally specific human capital in shaping the employment of human resource managers
Jeffrey H. Keefe, Rutgers University

Creativity in the printing industry: A comparative case study
Shalini Khazanchi, Rochester Institute of Technology, Holly S. Slay, Seattle University, and Mathew L. Sheep, Illinois State University

Productivity in southern European small firms: When and how work organization complements process innovation
Ferran Mane and Maite Fiblia, Rovira & Virgili University

Organizational identity, audience response, and change in high-technology industries
Jason Owen-Smith and Maria Farkas, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

Service capabilities in value creation: A conceptualization and investigation of internet retailers
ing Pan, University of California at Riverside, and Xueming Luo, University of Texas at Arlington

Learning in mastering multi-generation product innovations: A study of the hard disk drive industry

Charlotte R. Ren, Purdue University

Knowledge, transaction costs, and outsourcing in knowledge-based services
Deepak Somaya, University of Maryland, College Park, Ian Williamson, Melbourne Business School, and Kyle Mayer, University of Southern California, Los Angeles

Estimating the willingness of citizens to pay for recycling
Ken Troske, David Hardesty, Margaret Hughes, Brandon Koford, Fred Morgan, University of Kentucky

Insurance market dynamics:  Between global developments and local contingencies
Bertrand Venard, Audencia, and David Cummins, Temple University

The labor process revisited: Institutional polymorphism and organizational political economy in the manufacturing field

Matt Vidal, University of California at Los Angeles | Paper (PDF)

Meet the Authors

India and China: An Advanced Technology Race and How the United States Should Respond
Ernest H. Preeg, Manufacturers Alliance (jointly published by MAPI and the Center for Strategic and International Studies/CSIS, March 2008)

Negotiation and the Global Information Economy
Jatinder P. Singh, Georgetown University (Cambridge University Press, 2008)

An East Asian Model for Latin American Success
Anil Hira, Simon Fraser University (Ashgate Publishing, 2007)

Remaking Regional Economies: Power, Labor, and Firm Strategies in the Knowledge Economy
Jennifer Clark,* Georgia Institute of Technology, and Susan Christopherson, Cornell University, (Routledge, London: 2007)

From Rural Village to Global Village: Telecommunications for Development in the
Information Age

Heather E. Hudson, University of San Francisco (Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, January 27, 2006)

The New Argonauts: Regional Advantage in the Global Economy
AnnaLee Saxenian, University of California, Berkley (Harvard University Press, 2006)

Challenging the Chip: Labor Rights and Environmental Justice in the Global Electronics Industry
David Sonnenfeld, State University of New York-ESF, (with Ted Smith and David Naguib Pellow, eds.), (Temple University Press, Philadelphia, 2006)

Worker Centers: Organizing Communities at the Edge of the Dream
Janice Fine, Rutgers University (Cornell University Press ILR Imprint, 2006)

The Long March to Capitalism: Embourgeoisment, Internationalization
and Industrial Transformation in India

Anthony P. D'Costa, Copenhagen Business School (Basingtoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2005)

Offshoring Information Technology: Sourcing and Outsourcing to a Global Workforce
Erran Carmel, American University, and Paul Tjia, GPI Consultancy (Cambridge University Press, 2005).

*Denotes Presenter