May 1, 2008
1:30 – 3:00 p.m. | Parallel Sessions and Symposia (choose one of five)
(1) The direct care industry
Thomas A. Kochan, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (chair)
Quality care through quality jobs
Carrie Leana, University of Pittsburgh
Cleaning and caring in the home: Shared problems? shared possibilities?
Laura Dresser, University of Wisconsin-Madison | Paper (PDF)
Dignity at work for direct care workers
Anne Frost, The University of Western Ontario (Canada)
(2) Competition, compensation, and organizational structure
Susan Helper, Case Western Reserve University (chair)
Measuring and explaining organizational structure across firms and countries
Nicholas Bloom, Stanford University,* Raffaella Sadun and John Van Reenen, London School of Economics (UK) | Paper (PDF)
Wage structure, raises and mobility: International comparisons of the structure of wages within and across firms
Kathryn Shaw* and Edward Lazear, Stanford University | Paper (PDF)
The flattening firm and product market competition: The effect of trade costs and liberalization
Maria Guadalupe, Columbia University Graduate School of Business,* and Julie Wulf, Harvard Business School | Paper (PDF)
(3) New developments in old industries
Chickery J. Kasouf, Worcester Polytechnic Institute (chair)
Garment district performance: S(weatshop)-efficiency vs. I(innovation)-efficiency
Peter B. Doeringer, Boston University,* and Bruno Courault, Laboratoire d’Economie et de Sociologie due Travail (France) | Paper (PDF)
Measuring the competitive advantage of the U.S. textile-apparel industry
Matt Berdine, Land’s End, Erin D. Parrish, East Carolina University,* Nancy Cassill, North Carolina State University, and William Oxenhaum, North Carolina State University | Paper (PDF)
Investments in modernization, innovation and gains in productivity: Evidence from firms in the global paper industry
Vivak Ghosal, Georgia Institute of Technology,* and Usha Nair-Reichert (Georgia Institute of Technology) | Paper (PDF)
(4) The global delivery of information technology and business services: Workforce management and policy implications | Slides (PDF)
Sandra A. Slaughter, Georgia Institute of Technology, and Elaine Hyder, Carnegie Mellon University (co-chairs)
Global sourcing of knowledge-intensive services: Operational risk, complexity and the demand for skilled workers in the U.S.
Ravi Aron, University of Southern California at Los Angeles
Innovation in human resource and work practices and performance in global service delivery
Chris Forman, Georgia Institute of Technology
Skills and competencies of offshore and onshore IT workers in the global delivery of IT services
Natalia Levina, New York University | Paper (PDF) | Slides (PDF)
(5) Global social networks and industry roadmapping
Dieter Ernst, East-West Center (chair)
Feeding the silicon pump: Moore’s Law, electronic innovation, and global growth
Charles Fine* and Timothy Havel, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Multinationals, techno-entrepreneurs, and the globalization of technology value chains
Leonard H. Lynn, Case Western University,* and Hal Salzman, The Urban Institute | Slides (PDF)
Value creation & cooperative resource exchange through open technology platforms
Sonali Shah, University of Washington,* Patrick Wagstrom and James Herbsleb, Carnegie Mellon University
*Denotes Presenter