May 1, 2008
3:15 – 4:45 p.m | Parallel Sessions and Symposia (choose one of five)
(1) The global temporary staffing industry
Leah Vosko, York University (Canada) (chair)
The temporary staffing industry in permanent employment economies: Germany, Japan and the Netherlands
Karen A. Shire, University Duisburg Essen (Germany)* and Danielle van Jaarsveld, Sauder School of Business (Canada) | Paper (PDF)
Post-socialist varieties of temporary staffing: Evidence from the Czech Republic and Poland
Kevin Ward*, Neil Coe, and Jennifer Johns, Manchester University (UK) | Paper (PDF)
The partial internationalization of externalized employees in South Korea
Hyunji Kwon, Korea Labor Institute (Republic of Korea)
(2) Pricing in dynamic competitive environments
Vivek Ghosal, Georgia Institute of Technology (chair)
Costs and prices for electric utilities under regulation and restructuring
Seth Blumsack, The Pennsylvania State University,* Lester B. Lave and Jay Apt, Carnegie Mellon University | Paper (PDF)
The anatomy of a price cut: Discovering organizational sources of the costs of price adjustment
Daniel Levy, Bar-Illan University (Israel), Mark Zbaracki, New York University,* and Mark Bergen, University of Minnesota | Paper (PDF)
Mitigating product uncertainty in the internet retailing industry
Paul A. Pavlou* and Angelika Dimoka, University of California at Riverside | Paper (PDF)
(3) Coordination, learning, and performance in health care
Amy Edmondson, Harvard Business School (chair)
When do organizations learn from each other? Interorganizational learning in the health care industry
Ingrid Nembhard, Yale University | Paper (PDF)
Modularity and the coordination of complex work
Jody H. Gittell, Farbod N. Hagigi,* Cori Kautz, R. William Lusenhop, Brandeis University, and
Dana B. Weinberg, University of New York, Queens College
A comparative study of structure and performance in for-profit, nonprofit and government organizations: Evidence from nursing homes
Avner Ben-Ner* and Ting Ren, University of Minnesota | Paper (PDF)
(4) Performance and survival in the high tech industries
Frank Mayadas, Alfred P. Sloan Foundation (chair)
Securing their future? Entry and survival in the information security industry
Anand Nandkumar* and Ashish Arora, Carnegie Mellon University
Dyadic value creation in long-term relational exchanges between customers and suppliers in the software sector
Rita F. Pereira, Universidade Federal da Paraíba,* and Fernando B. Luce, Universidade Federal do Rio
Grande do Sul (Brazil) (INVITED)
Alliance portfolio internationalization and firm performance
Dovev Lavie, University of Texas at Austin and Technion (Israel),* and Stewart R. Miller, University of Texas at San Antonio | Paper (PDF)
(5) Institutional sources of innovation in sciences
Thomas J. Allen, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (invited chair)
Firms and universities as drivers of innovation: evidence from the comparison of the markets for anti-cancer and AIDS-treating drugs
M. L. Sosa, London Business School | Paper (PDF)
Social capital and the creation of knowledge
Claudia N. Gonzalez-Brambila, Instituto Technologico Autonomo de Mexico (Mexico), Francisco M. Veloso, Carnegie Mellon University,* and David Krackhardt, Carnegie Mellon University | Paper (PDF)
Stock returns and geographic innovation index
Vigdis Boasson* and Emil Boasson, Central Michigan University, and Alan MacPherson, State University
of New York at Buffalo | Paper (PDF)
*Denotes Presenter