Dr. Kalmadi Shamrao School Background


1971 - Permission by Government of Maharastra to form English medium school at Dr. Ketkar Road: Karnatak High School

1989 - Rising number of admissions prompt the management to erect a new building at Ganeshnagar

1991 - A spacious computer facility is included in the new building at Ganeshnagar; computer education is made compulsory for all students from Standard V to X.

1994 - Introduction of enhanced learning activities to develop every facet of a child's personality: astronomy, dancing, toy making, skating, karate, yoga, aesthetic art, Indian music, Western dance, Indian dance, etc.

1995 - Silver anniversary; founder of Karnatak High School, Dr. Kalmadi Shamrao, passes away.

1996 - Junior college started at Ganeshnagar premises; Vishwabharati Language Centre started at Ganeshnagar campus; 'Srujan' Centre for Creativity set up at Dr. Ketkar Road campus.

Special Projects

Vishwabharati Language Centre: Courses in Indian and foreign languages for cultural enrichment, conversation, translation, and interpretation. Coordination of 'Penn in India' language programme for Indian languages.

Srujan Centre for Creativity: Pottery, art, music, drama, games, dance, science, projects, language, literature; workshops for creativity for children, teachers, and parents.

Computing facilities

26 computers:
1 Pentium server
5 486 computers
12 386 computers
8 286 computers
1 printer

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