DescriptionThis course will serve as an aggressively gentle introduction to programming for those students who lack background in the field. Specifically targeted at students with little or no programming experience, the course seeks to reach students who intend to take 6.001 in the Spring Term and feel they would struggle because they lack the necessary background. The main focus of the subject will be acquiring programming experience: instruction in programming fundamentals coupled with lots of practice problems. Lots of programming required, but lots of support provided. Each day, the course will be a mix of lecture and lab as students are introduced to both the language scheme and the mechanics of how to actually write code. Homework will be assigned each evening. The course has one exam, which is designed to feel like quiz 1 of 6.001. |
LogisticsMeets 1-4pm in 32-141 (note the change). Starts Wednesday January 10, 2007. Ends January 23. Monday January 15th is a holiday.The course will be using Windows XP laptops. If you have one already, bring it to the first class. If not, IS&T will be providing loaner laptops for the duration of the class. These will be issued on the first day of class and returned on the last day of class. |
| Homework
Handouts |
InstructorJacob Strauss (, )LAsStephanie Cavagnaro-WongHolli Rachall The course staff can be reached at |
Random StuffAn intro to double-oh oneBen said it would be lots of fun. the six oh nine oh theme was programming scheme, And now we are sad that it's done. |