Class jgl.OrderedMap
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Class jgl.OrderedMap
- public class OrderedMap
- extends Dictionary
- implements Container
An OrderedMap is an associative container that manages a set of ordered key/value pairs.
The pairs are ordered by key, using a comparator. By default, a HashComparator is used,
which orders keys based on their hash value. By default, only one value may be associated with
a particular key. A OrderedMap's underlying data structure allows you to very efficiently
find all of the values associated with a particular key.
A OrderedMap is useful for implementing a collection of one-to-one or one-to-many mappings.
Strictly speaking, there is no reason why null is not a valid key. However, most
comparators (including the default HashComparator) will fail and throw an exception
if you attempt to add a null key because they cast the key to a class and then
activate one of its methods. It is perfectly possible to hand-craft a comparator
that will accept null as a valid key.
There are many different approaches that could be used to implementing an associative
container. For example, most of the older libraries used a hashing scheme for
positioning and retrieving items. This implementation use a data structure called a
red-black tree. A red-black tree is a binary search tree that uses an extra field in
every node to store the node's color. Red-black trees constrain the way that nodes may
be colored in such a way that the tree remains reasonably balanced. This property is
important for ensuring a good overall performance - red-black trees guarantee that the
worst case performance for the most common dynamic set operations is O(log N). One
conseqence of using a binary tree for storage of data is that the items remain in a
sorted order. This allows JGL users to iterate through an associative container and
access its elements in a sequenced manner. Each node of the red-black tree holds a
Pair( key, value ). The comparator is used to order the Pairs based only on their keys.
Insertion does not affect iterators or references.
Removal only invalidates the iterators and references to the removed elements.
- See Also:
- OrderedMultimap, BinaryPredicate, OrderedMapExamples
- Construct myself to be an empty OrderedMap that orders its keys based on
their hash value and does not allow duplicates.
- Construct myself to be an empty OrderedMap that orders its keys using
a specified binary predicate and does not allow duplicates.
OrderedMap(BinaryPredicate, boolean)
- Construct myself to be an empty OrderedMap that orders its keys using
a specified binary predicate and conditionally allows duplicates.
- Construct myself to be an empty OrderedMap that orders its keys based on
their hash value and conditionally allows duplicates.
- Construct myself to be a shallow copy of an existing OrderedMap.
- Assume that the specified object is a Pair whose first field is a key and whose
second field is a value.
add(Object, Object)
- If the key doesn't exist or duplicates are allowed, associate the value with the
key and return null, otherwise don't modify the map and return the current value
associated with the key.
- Return true if duplicates are allowed.
- Return an iterator positioned at my first pair.
- Remove all of my elements.
- Return a shallow copy of myself.
- Become a shallow copy of an existing OrderedMap.
- Return the number of key/value pairs that match a particular key.
- Return the number of values that match a given object.
- Return an Enumeration of my values
- Return an iterator positioned immediately after my last pair.
- Return a pair of iterators whose first element is equal to
lowerBound() and whose second element is equal to upperBound().
- Return true if I'm equal to another object.
- Return true if I contain the same items in the same order as
another OrderedMap.
- Find a key/value pair based on its key and return its position.
- Return an iterator positioned immediately afer my last pair.
- Return the value associated with key, or null if the key does not exist.
- Return my comparator.
- Return my hash code for support of hashing containers
- Return true if I contain no entries.
- Return an Enumeration of all my keys.
- Return an Enumeration of all my keys that are associated with a particular value.
- Return an iterator positioned at the first location that a
pair with a specified key could be inserted without violating the ordering
- Return the maximum number of entries that I can contain.
put(Object, Object)
- If the key doesn't exist, associate the value with the key and return null,
otherwise replace the first value associated with the key and return the old value.
- Remove the element at a particular position and return its value.
remove(Enumeration, Enumeration)
- Remove the elements within a specified range, returning the first value
of the key in that range.
- If I contain key/value pair(s) that matches a particular key,
remove them and return the value of the first key removed, otherwise return null.
Return the number of entries that I contain.
- Return an iterator positioned at my first pair.
- Swap my contents with another OrderedMap.
- Return a string that describes me.
- Return an iterator positioned at the last location that
a pair with a specified key could be inserted without violating the ordering
- Return an Enumeration of all my values that are associated with a particular key.
public OrderedMap()
- Construct myself to be an empty OrderedMap that orders its keys based on
their hash value and does not allow duplicates.
public OrderedMap(boolean allowDuplicates)
- Construct myself to be an empty OrderedMap that orders its keys based on
their hash value and conditionally allows duplicates.
- Parameters:
- allowDuplicates - true if duplicates are allowed.
public OrderedMap(BinaryPredicate comparator)
- Construct myself to be an empty OrderedMap that orders its keys using
a specified binary predicate and does not allow duplicates.
- Parameters:
- comparator - The predicate for ordering keys.
public OrderedMap(BinaryPredicate comparator,
boolean allowDuplicates)
- Construct myself to be an empty OrderedMap that orders its keys using
a specified binary predicate and conditionally allows duplicates.
- Parameters:
- comparator - The predicate for ordering keys.
- allowDuplicates - true if duplicates are allowed.
public OrderedMap(OrderedMap map)
- Construct myself to be a shallow copy of an existing OrderedMap.
- Parameters:
- map - The OrderedMap to copy.
public boolean allowsDuplicates()
- Return true if duplicates are allowed.
public synchronized Object clone()
- Return a shallow copy of myself.
- Overrides:
- clone in class Object
public synchronized void copy(OrderedMap map)
- Become a shallow copy of an existing OrderedMap.
- Parameters:
- map - The OrderedMap that I shall become a shallow copy of.
public synchronized String toString()
- Return a string that describes me.
- Overrides:
- toString in class Object
public synchronized Enumeration elements()
- Return an Enumeration of my values
- Overrides:
- elements in class Dictionary
public synchronized ForwardIterator start()
- Return an iterator positioned at my first pair.
public synchronized ForwardIterator finish()
- Return an iterator positioned immediately afer my last pair.
public synchronized OrderedMapIterator begin()
- Return an iterator positioned at my first pair.
public synchronized OrderedMapIterator end()
- Return an iterator positioned immediately after my last pair.
public boolean isEmpty()
- Return true if I contain no entries.
- Overrides:
- isEmpty in class Dictionary
public int size()
- Return the number of entries that I contain.
- Overrides:
- size in class Dictionary
public int maxSize()
- Return the maximum number of entries that I can contain.
public boolean equals(Object object)
- Return true if I'm equal to another object.
- Parameters:
- object - The object to compare myself against.
- Overrides:
- equals in class Object
public synchronized boolean equals(OrderedMap map)
- Return true if I contain the same items in the same order as
another OrderedMap. Use equals() to compare the individual elements.
- Parameters:
- map - The OrderedMap to compare myself against.
public int hashCode()
- Return my hash code for support of hashing containers
- Overrides:
- hashCode in class Object
public synchronized void swap(OrderedMap map)
- Swap my contents with another OrderedMap.
- Parameters:
- map - The OrderedMap that I will swap my contents with.
public synchronized void clear()
- Remove all of my elements.
public synchronized Object remove(Object key)
- If I contain key/value pair(s) that matches a particular key,
remove them and return the value of the first key removed, otherwise return null.
- Parameters:
- key - The key of the pair(s) to be removed.
- Returns:
- The value that was removed or null if none.
- Overrides:
- remove in class Dictionary
public synchronized Object remove(Enumeration pos)
- Remove the element at a particular position and return its value.
- Parameters:
- pos - An Enumeration positioned at the element to remove.
- Returns:
- The value that was removed or null if none.
- Throws: IllegalArgumentException
- is the Enumeration isn't an
OrderedMapIterator for this OrderedMap object.
public synchronized Object remove(Enumeration first,
Enumeration last)
- Remove the elements within a specified range, returning the first value
of the key in that range.
- Parameters:
- first - An iterator positioned at the first element to remove.
- last - An iterator positioned immediately after the last element to remove.
- Throws: IllegalArgumentException
- is the Enumeration isn't an
OrderedMapIterator for this OrderedMap object.
public synchronized OrderedMapIterator find(Object key)
- Find a key/value pair based on its key and return its position.
If the pair is not found, return end().
- Parameters:
- object - The object to locate.
public synchronized int count(Object key)
- Return the number of key/value pairs that match a particular key.
- Parameters:
- key - The key to match against.
public synchronized int countValues(Object value)
- Return the number of values that match a given object.
- Parameters:
- value - The value to match against.
public synchronized OrderedMapIterator lowerBound(Object key)
- Return an iterator positioned at the first location that a
pair with a specified key could be inserted without violating the ordering
criteria. If no such location is found, return an iterator positioned at end().
- Parameters:
- key - The key.
public synchronized OrderedMapIterator upperBound(Object key)
- Return an iterator positioned at the last location that
a pair with a specified key could be inserted without violating the ordering
criteria. If no such location is found, return an iterator positioned at end().
- Parameters:
- key - The key.
public BinaryPredicate getComparator()
- Return my comparator.
public synchronized Object get(Object key)
- Return the value associated with key, or null if the key does not exist.
- Parameters:
- key - The key to search against.
- Overrides:
- get in class Dictionary
public synchronized Object put(Object key,
Object value)
- If the key doesn't exist, associate the value with the key and return null,
otherwise replace the first value associated with the key and return the old value.
- Parameters:
- key - The key.
- value - The value.
- Throws: NullPointerException
- If the key or value is null.
- Overrides:
- put in class Dictionary
public Object add(Object object)
- Assume that the specified object is a Pair whose first field is a key and whose
second field is a value. If the key doesn't exist or duplicates are allowed,
associate the value with the key and return null, otherwise don't modify the map and
return the current value associated with the key.
- Parameters:
- object - The pair to add.
- Throws: IllegalArgumentException
- If the object is not a Pair
- Throws: NullPointerException
- If the object is null or if the first
or second items in the pair are null.
public Object add(Object key,
Object value)
- If the key doesn't exist or duplicates are allowed, associate the value with the
key and return null, otherwise don't modify the map and return the current value
associated with the key.
- Parameters:
- key - The key.
- value - The value.
- Throws: NullPointerException
- If the key or value is null.
public synchronized Enumeration keys()
- Return an Enumeration of all my keys.
- Overrides:
- keys in class Dictionary
public synchronized Enumeration keys(Object value)
- Return an Enumeration of all my keys that are associated with a particular value.
- Parameters:
- value - The value to match.
public synchronized Enumeration values(Object key)
- Return an Enumeration of all my values that are associated with a particular key.
- Parameters:
- key - The key to match.
public synchronized Range equalRange(Object object)
- Return a pair of iterators whose first element is equal to
lowerBound() and whose second element is equal to upperBound().
- Parameters:
- object - The object whose bounds are to be found.
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