Class jgl.OrderedSet
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Class jgl.OrderedSet
- public class OrderedSet
- extends Object
- implements Set
A OrderedSet is a container that is optimized for fast associative lookup. Items are
matched using equals(). When an item is inserted into a OrderedSet, it is stored in a
data structure that allows the item to be found very quickly. Within the data
structure, the items are ordered according to a comparator object. By default, the
comparator is a HashComparator that orders objects based on their hash value.
The OrderedSet class supports the full range of generic set algorithms such as
union() and intersection() in a user-friendly manner. Duplicates are not allowed
by default.
OrderedSets are useful when fast associate lookup is important and when index-based
lookup is unnecessary.
Strictly speaking, there is no reason why null is not a valid entry. However, most
comparators (including the default HashComparator) will fail and throw an exception
if you attempt to add a null entry because they cast the entry to a class and then
activate one of its methods. It is perfectly possible to hand-craft a comparator
that will accept null as a valid key.
There are many different approaches that could be used to implementing an associative
container. For example, most of the older libraries used a hashing scheme for
positioning and retrieving items. This implementation use a data structure called a
red-black tree. A red-black tree is a binary search tree that uses an extra field in
every node to store the node's color. Red-black trees constrain the way that nodes may
be colored in such a way that the tree remains reasonably balanced. This property is
important for ensuring a good overall performance - red-black trees guarantee that the
worst case performance for the most common dynamic set operations is O(log N). One
conseqence of using a binary tree for storage of data is that the items remain in a
sorted order. This allows SGL users to iterate through an associative container and
access its elements in a sequenced manner.
Insertion does not affect iterators or references.
Removal only invalidates the iterators and references to the removed elements.
- See Also:
- OrderedMultiset, BinaryPredicate, SetOperations, OrderedSetExamples
- Construct myself to be an empty OrderedSet that orders elements based on
their hash value and does not allow duplicates.
- Construct myself to be an empty OrderedSet that orders elements using
a specified binary predicate and does not allow duplicates.
OrderedSet(BinaryPredicate, boolean)
- Construct myself to be an empty OrderedSet that orders elements using
a specified binary predicate and conditionally allows duplicates.
- Construct myself to be an empty OrderedSet that orders elements based on
their hash value and conditionally allows duplicates.
- Construct myself to be a shallow copy of an existing OrderedSet.
- If the object doesn't exist or duplicates are allowed, add the object and return null,
otherwise don't modify the set and return the matching object.
- Return true if duplicates are allowed.
- Return an iterator positioned at my first item.
- Remove all of my elements.
- Return a shallow copy of myself.
- Become a shallow copy of an existing OrderedSet.
- Return the number of items that match a particular object.
- Return a new OrderedSet that contains the elements that are in me but not in a
specified set.
- Return an Enumeration of my components.
- Return an iterator positioned immediately after my last item.
- Return a range whose first element is equal to
lowerBound() and whose second element is equal to upperBound().
- Return true if I'm equal to another object.
- Return true if I contain the same items in the same order as
another OrderedSet.
- Find an object and return its position.
- Return an iterator positioned immediately afer my last item.
- Return the first object that matches the given object, or null if no match exists.
- Return my comparator.
- Return my hash code for support of hashing containers
- Return a new OrderedSet that contains the elements that are both in me and in
a specified set.
- Return true if I contain no entries.
- Return an iterator positioned at the first location that a
particular object could be inserted without violating the ordering
- Return the maximum number of entries that I can contain.
- Return true if every element in me is also in a specified OrderedSet and I'm smaller
than the specified OrderedSet.
- If the object doesn't exist, add the object and return null, otherwise replace the
first object that matches and return the old object.
- Remove the element at a particular position.
remove(Enumeration, Enumeration)
- Remove the elements within a specified range.
- Remove all objects that match the given object.
Return the number of entries that I contain.
- Return an iterator positioned at my first item.
- Return true if every element in me is also in a specified OrderedSet.
- Swap my contents with another OrderedSet.
- Return a new OrderedSet that contains the elements that are either in me or in
a specified OrderedSet, but not both.
- Return a string that describes me.
- Return a new OrderedSet that contains all of my elements and all of the elements in
a specified OrderedSet.
- Return an iterator positioned at the last location that
a particular object could be inserted without violating the ordering
public OrderedSet()
- Construct myself to be an empty OrderedSet that orders elements based on
their hash value and does not allow duplicates.
public OrderedSet(boolean allowDuplicates)
- Construct myself to be an empty OrderedSet that orders elements based on
their hash value and conditionally allows duplicates.
- Parameters:
- allowDuplicates - true if duplicates are allowed.
public OrderedSet(BinaryPredicate comparator)
- Construct myself to be an empty OrderedSet that orders elements using
a specified binary predicate and does not allow duplicates.
- Parameters:
- comparator - The predicate for ordering objects.
public OrderedSet(BinaryPredicate comparator,
boolean allowDuplicates)
- Construct myself to be an empty OrderedSet that orders elements using
a specified binary predicate and conditionally allows duplicates.
- Parameters:
- comparator - The predicate for ordering objects.
- allowDuplicates - true if duplicates are allowed.
public OrderedSet(OrderedSet set)
- Construct myself to be a shallow copy of an existing OrderedSet.
- Parameters:
- set - The OrderedSet to copy.
public boolean allowsDuplicates()
- Return true if duplicates are allowed.
public synchronized Object clone()
- Return a shallow copy of myself.
- Overrides:
- clone in class Object
public synchronized void copy(OrderedSet set)
- Become a shallow copy of an existing OrderedSet.
- Parameters:
- set - The OrderedSet that I shall become a shallow copy of.
public synchronized String toString()
- Return a string that describes me.
- Overrides:
- toString in class Object
public synchronized Enumeration elements()
- Return an Enumeration of my components.
public synchronized ForwardIterator start()
- Return an iterator positioned at my first item.
public synchronized ForwardIterator finish()
- Return an iterator positioned immediately afer my last item.
public synchronized OrderedSetIterator begin()
- Return an iterator positioned at my first item.
public synchronized OrderedSetIterator end()
- Return an iterator positioned immediately after my last item.
public boolean isEmpty()
- Return true if I contain no entries.
public int size()
- Return the number of entries that I contain.
public int maxSize()
- Return the maximum number of entries that I can contain.
public boolean equals(Object object)
- Return true if I'm equal to another object.
- Parameters:
- object - The object to compare myself against.
- Overrides:
- equals in class Object
public synchronized boolean equals(OrderedSet set)
- Return true if I contain the same items in the same order as
another OrderedSet. Use equals() to compare the individual elements.
- Parameters:
- set - The OrderedSet to compare myself against.
public int hashCode()
- Return my hash code for support of hashing containers
- Overrides:
- hashCode in class Object
public synchronized void swap(OrderedSet set)
- Swap my contents with another OrderedSet.
- Parameters:
- set - The OrderedSet that I will swap my contents with.
public synchronized void clear()
- Remove all of my elements.
public synchronized Object remove(Object object)
- Remove all objects that match the given object.
- Parameters:
- object - The object to match for removals
- Returns:
- Return The first object removed or null if none exists.
public synchronized Object remove(Enumeration e)
- Remove the element at a particular position.
- Parameters:
- e - An Enumeration positioned at the element to remove.
- Returns:
- The object that was removed or null if none
- Throws: IllegalArgumentException
- if the Enumeration isn't a
OrderedSetIterator for this OrderedSet object.
public synchronized void remove(Enumeration first,
Enumeration last)
- Remove the elements within a specified range.
- Parameters:
- first - An Enumeration positioned at the first element to remove.
- last - An Enumeration positioned immediately after the last element to remove.
- Throws: IllegalArgumentException
- is the Enumeration isn't a
OrderedSetIterator for this OrderedSet object.
public synchronized OrderedSetIterator find(Object object)
- Find an object and return its position. If the object
is not found, return end().
- Parameters:
- object - The object to locate.
public synchronized int count(Object object)
- Return the number of items that match a particular object.
- Parameters:
- object - The object to match against.
public synchronized OrderedSetIterator lowerBound(Object object)
- Return an iterator positioned at the first location that a
particular object could be inserted without violating the ordering
criteria. If no such location is found, return an iterator
positioned at end().
- Parameters:
- object - The object in question.
public synchronized OrderedSetIterator upperBound(Object object)
- Return an iterator positioned at the last location that
a particular object could be inserted without violating the ordering
criteria. If no such location is found, return an iterator
positioned at end().
- Parameters:
- object - The object in question.
public BinaryPredicate getComparator()
- Return my comparator.
public synchronized Object add(Object object)
- If the object doesn't exist or duplicates are allowed, add the object and return null,
otherwise don't modify the set and return the matching object.
- Parameters:
- object - The object to be added.
- Throws: NullPointerException
- If the value of the object is equal to null.
public synchronized Object get(Object object)
- Return the first object that matches the given object, or null if no match exists.
- Parameters:
- object - The object to match against.
public synchronized Object put(Object object)
- If the object doesn't exist, add the object and return null, otherwise replace the
first object that matches and return the old object.
- Parameters:
- object - The object to add.
- Throws: NullPointerException
- If the value of the object is equal to null.
public synchronized OrderedSet union(OrderedSet set)
- Return a new OrderedSet that contains all of my elements and all of the elements in
a specified OrderedSet.
- Parameters:
- set - The OrderedSet to union myself with.
- Throws: InvalidOperationException
- if set is in multi-mode.
public synchronized OrderedSet intersection(OrderedSet set)
- Return a new OrderedSet that contains the elements that are both in me and in
a specified set.
- Parameters:
- set - The OrderedSet to intersect myself with.
public synchronized OrderedSet difference(OrderedSet set)
- Return a new OrderedSet that contains the elements that are in me but not in a
specified set.
- Parameters:
- set - The OrderedSet to difference myself with.
public synchronized OrderedSet symmetricDifference(OrderedSet set)
- Return a new OrderedSet that contains the elements that are either in me or in
a specified OrderedSet, but not both.
- Parameters:
- set - The OrderedSet to symmetric difference myself with.
public synchronized boolean subsetOf(OrderedSet set)
- Return true if every element in me is also in a specified OrderedSet.
- Parameters:
- set - The OrderedSet to test against.
public synchronized boolean properSubsetOf(OrderedSet set)
- Return true if every element in me is also in a specified OrderedSet and I'm smaller
than the specified OrderedSet.
- Parameters:
- set - The OrderedSet to test against.
public synchronized Range equalRange(Object object)
- Return a range whose first element is equal to
lowerBound() and whose second element is equal to upperBound().
- Parameters:
- object - The object whose bounds are to be found.
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