Class jgl.Rotating
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Class jgl.Rotating


public final class Rotating
extends Object
The Rotating class contains generic rotating algorithms.

See Also:

Method Index

 o rotate(ForwardIterator, ForwardIterator, ForwardIterator)
Rotate a sequence to the left.
 o rotateCopy(ForwardIterator, ForwardIterator, ForwardIterator, OutputIterator)
Perform the same operations as rotate(), except that that the result is placed into a separate sequence.


 o rotate
  public static void rotate(ForwardIterator first,
                            ForwardIterator middle,
                            ForwardIterator last)
Rotate a sequence to the left. After the operation, the element that used to be located by the first iterator is positioned immediately before the position indicated by the second iterator. The time complexity is linear and the space complexity is constant.
first - An iterator positioned at the first element in the sequence.
middle - An iterator positioned immediately after the target location of the first element in the sequence.
last - An iterator positioned at the last element in the sequence.
 o rotateCopy
  public static OutputIterator rotateCopy(ForwardIterator first,
                                          ForwardIterator middle,
                                          ForwardIterator last,
                                          OutputIterator result)
Perform the same operations as rotate(), except that that the result is placed into a separate sequence. The time complexity is linear and the space complexity is constant.
first - An iterator positioned at the first element in the input sequence.
middle - An iterator positioned immediately after the target location of the first element in the input sequence.
last - An iterator positioned at the last element in the input sequence.
result - An iterator positioned at the first element in the output sequence.
An iterator positioned immediately after the last element in the output sequence.

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