Interface jgl.Sequence
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Interface jgl.Sequence

public interface Sequence
extends Object
extends Container
Sequence is the interface that is implemented by all Java toolkit containers that are sequences of objects.

See Also:
Array, Deque, DList, SList

Method Index

 o at(int)
Return the object at the specified index.
 o back()
Return my last element.
 o clone()
 o contains(Object)
Return true if I contain a particular object.
 o count(int, int, Object)
Return the number of objects within a specified range of that match a particular value.
 o count(Object)
Return the number of objects that match a specified object.
 o front()
Return my first element.
 o indexOf(int, int, Object)
Return an iterator positioned at the first object within a specified range that matches a particular object, or -1 if the object is not found.
 o indexOf(Object)
Return the index of the first object that matches a particular value, or -1 if the object is not found.
 o popBack()
Remove and return my last element.
 o popFront()
Remove and return my first element.
 o pushBack(Object)
Add an object at my end.
 o pushFront(Object)
Insert an object in front of my first element.
 o put(int, Object)
Set the object at a specified index.
 o remove(int, int, Object)
Remove all elements within a specified range that match a particular object and return the number of objects that were removed.
 o remove(Object)
Remove all elements that match a specified object and return the number of objects that were removed.
 o replace(int, int, Object, Object)
Replace all elements within a specified range that match a particular object with a new value and return the number of objects that were replaced.
 o replace(Object, Object)
Replace all elements that match a particular object with a new value and return the number of objects that were replaced.


 o clone
  public abstract Object clone()
clone in class Object
 o at
  public abstract Object at(int index)
Return the object at the specified index.
index - The index.
 o put
  public abstract void put(int index,
                           Object object)
Set the object at a specified index.
index - The index.
object - The object to place at the specified index.
 o back
  public abstract Object back()
Return my last element.
 o front
  public abstract Object front()
Return my first element.
 o pushFront
  public abstract void pushFront(Object object)
Insert an object in front of my first element.
object - The object to insert.
 o popFront
  public abstract Object popFront()
Remove and return my first element.
 o pushBack
  public abstract void pushBack(Object object)
Add an object at my end.
object - The object to add.
 o popBack
  public abstract Object popBack()
Remove and return my last element.
 o remove
  public abstract int remove(Object object)
Remove all elements that match a specified object and return the number of objects that were removed.
object - The object to remove.
 o remove
  public abstract int remove(int first,
                             int last,
                             Object object)
Remove all elements within a specified range that match a particular object and return the number of objects that were removed.
first - The index of the first object to remove.
last - The index of the last object to remove.
object - The object to remove.
Throws: IndexOutOfBoundsException
If either index is invalid.
 o count
  public abstract int count(Object object)
Return the number of objects that match a specified object.
object - The object to count.
 o count
  public abstract int count(int first,
                            int last,
                            Object object)
Return the number of objects within a specified range of that match a particular value.
first - The index of the first object to consider.
last - The index of the last object to consider.
Throws: IndexOutOfBoundsException
If either index is invalid.
 o replace
  public abstract int replace(Object oldValue,
                              Object newValue)
Replace all elements that match a particular object with a new value and return the number of objects that were replaced.
oldValue - The object to be replaced.
newValue - The value to substitute.
 o replace
  public abstract int replace(int first,
                              int last,
                              Object oldValue,
                              Object newValue)
Replace all elements within a specified range that match a particular object with a new value and return the number of objects that were replaced.
first - The index of the first object to be considered.
last - The index of the last object to be considered.
oldValue - The object to be replaced.
newValue - The value to substitute.
Throws: IndexOutOfBoundsException
If either index is invalid.
 o contains
  public abstract boolean contains(Object object)
Return true if I contain a particular object.
object - The object in question.
 o indexOf
  public abstract int indexOf(Object object)
Return the index of the first object that matches a particular value, or -1 if the object is not found.
object - The object to find.
 o indexOf
  public abstract int indexOf(int first,
                              int last,
                              Object object)
Return an iterator positioned at the first object within a specified range that matches a particular object, or -1 if the object is not found.
first - The index of the first object to consider.
last - The index of the last object to consider.
object - The object to find.
Throws: IndexOutOfBoundsException
If either index is invalid.

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