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Interface COM.objectspace.jgl.ForwardIterator

public interface ForwardIterator
extends InputIterator, OutputIterator
ForwardIterator is the interface of all iterators that can read and/or write one item at a time in a forward direction.

Method Index

 o advance()
Advance by one.
 o advance(int)
Advance by a specified amount.
 o clone()
Return a clone of myself.
 o distance(ForwardIterator)
Return the distance from myself to another iterator.
 o getContainer()
Return my associated container.


 o advance
  public abstract void advance()
Advance by one.

 o advance
  public abstract void advance(int n)
Advance by a specified amount.

n - The amount to advance.
 o distance
  public abstract int distance(ForwardIterator iterator)
Return the distance from myself to another iterator. I should be before the specified iterator.

iterator - The iterator to compare myself against.
 o clone
  public abstract Object clone()
Return a clone of myself.

clone in class Object
 o getContainer
  public abstract Container getContainer()
Return my associated container.

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