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Class COM.objectspace.jgl.LessCollator


public final class LessCollator
extends Object
implements BinaryPredicate
LessCollator is a binary predicate that returns true if the first operand as a string is less than the second operand as a string when compared using the given Collator object.

If an explicit Collator object is not given, the default is used.

See Also:
Collator, CollateExamples

Constructor Index

 o LessCollator()
Construct a LessCollator function object that uses the collator object for the current default locale to compare objects.
 o LessCollator(Collator)
Construct a LessCollator function object that uses the given collator object to compare objects.

Method Index

 o execute(Object, Object)
Return true if the first operand is less than the second operand.


 o LessCollator
  public LessCollator()
Construct a LessCollator function object that uses the collator object for the current default locale to compare objects.

 o LessCollator
  public LessCollator(Collator collator)
Construct a LessCollator function object that uses the given collator object to compare objects.

collator - The Collator object that is to be used for comparisons.


 o execute
  public boolean execute(Object first,
                         Object second)
Return true if the first operand is less than the second operand.

first - The first operand.
second - The second operand.
Returns: first.toString(), second.toString() ) < 0.
See Also:

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