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Interface COM.objectspace.jgl.Set

public interface Set
extends Container
Set is the interface that is implemented by all of the Generic Container Library sets.

See Also:
HashSet, OrderedSet

Method Index

 o count(Object)
Return the number of items that match a particular object.
 o get(Object)
Return the first object that matches the given object, or null if no match exists.
 o put(Object)
If the object doesn't exist, add the object and return null, otherwise replace the first object that matches and return the old object.
 o remove(Object)
Remove all objects that match the given object.
 o remove(Object, int)
Remove at most a given number of objects that match the given object.


 o get
  public abstract Object get(Object object)
Return the first object that matches the given object, or null if no match exists.

object - The object to match against.
See Also:
 o put
  public abstract Object put(Object object)
If the object doesn't exist, add the object and return null, otherwise replace the first object that matches and return the old object.

object - The object to add.
See Also:
 o remove
  public abstract int remove(Object key)
Remove all objects that match the given object.

object - The object to match for removals
The number of objects removed.
 o remove
  public abstract int remove(Object key,
                             int count)
Remove at most a given number of objects that match the given object.

object - The object to match for removals
count - The maximum number of objects to remove.
The number of objects removed.
 o count
  public abstract int count(Object object)
Return the number of items that match a particular object.

object - The object to match against.

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