Up: WebEQ Equation Rendering

Goals of the WebEQ Project

No one understands how to use the web to full advantage today.

Everyone knows it is going to be important. Everyone knows it is going to change the way we work and interact. But as of today, the web is still too complicated and cumbersome to make a big difference for most of us.

As with any new technology, there is a problem:

Enter the Geometry Center. The Geometry Center is a National Science Foundation Science and Technology Center that exists in part to help get over the hump with important emerging technologies.

Our goal with WebEQ is to provide a tool and develop techniques that help the scientific community use the web to exchange ideas simply and easily. We believe that many mathematical and scientific ideas are best conveyed graphically, and that scientific information is often lends itself to hierarchical exposition in hypertext. That together with persuasive logistical argument have focused a great deal of attention on electronic publication.

WebEQ is an attempt to get the ball rolling. Stable, robust solutions for including mathematical text in web documents is yet to come; further developments in browser technology and refinement of language standards will be necessary. However, in spite of the technological inadequacies we must still contend with, we believe WebEQ is a sufficiently powerful tool to enable serious researcher to create viable, interactive, visual electronic documents presenting their research.

WebEQ vs. latex2html

At present, the primary way of including mathematics in web pages is as graphics. The program latex2html and its descendent math2html automate this process, but the basic strategy is fundamentally limited. Here are some important considerations: On the other hand, WebEQ dynamically renders equations as the web page is displayed. Potentially, this is a much more satisfactory solution.

Up: WebEQ Equation Rendering

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Comments to: rminer@geom.umn.edu
Created: Apr 01 1996 --- Last modified: Wed Apr 17 16:35:14 1996