Up: WebEQ Equation Rendering
Goals of the WebEQ Project
No one understands how to use the web to full advantage today.
Everyone knows it is going to be important. Everyone knows
it is going to change the way we work and interact. But as
of today, the web is still too complicated and cumbersome to make a big
difference for most of us.
As with any new technology, there is a problem:
- Until tools are created and refined, it is too hard for most
people to do anything serious with it.
- Until most people do serious things with it, there is little
incentive to create and refine tools.
Enter the Geometry Center. The Geometry Center is a National Science
Foundation Science and Technology Center that exists in part to help
get over the hump with important emerging technologies.
Our goal with WebEQ is to provide a tool and develop techniques that
help the scientific community use the web to exchange ideas simply and
easily. We believe that many mathematical and scientific ideas are
best conveyed graphically, and that scientific information is often
lends itself to hierarchical exposition in hypertext. That together
with persuasive logistical argument have focused a great deal of
attention on electronic publication.
WebEQ is an attempt to get the ball rolling. Stable, robust solutions
for including mathematical text in web documents is yet to come;
further developments in browser technology and refinement of language
standards will be necessary. However, in spite of the technological
inadequacies we must still contend with, we believe WebEQ is a
sufficiently powerful tool to enable serious researcher to create
viable, interactive, visual electronic documents presenting their
WebEQ vs. latex2html
At present, the primary way of including mathematics in web pages is
as graphics. The program latex2html
and its descendent
automate this process, but the basic strategy
is fundamentally limited. Here are some important considerations:
- Programs like
require users to prepare
documents in latex
. While tex
and its
relatives are widely used by researchers, they are extremely
complicated programs, with a great deal of built-in flexibility.
Beside the obvious consequence of being difficult to learn, experience
indicates that tex
documents are difficult to
standardize. A document that compiles here won't compile there. This
is not good for a medium like the web.
- Programs like
are also large and complicated. They are
design to work primarily on Unix workstations, and require a much
higher level of computer savvy than many web users possess.
- Math notation included as graphics is difficult to edit or change.
For one thing, there tend to be a large number of tiny .gif files with
cryptic names. For another, it is not much easier to fix one tiny
error than to regenerate a large piece of the document.
- Notation included as images won't scale to match the surrounding
text and it is difficult to make it look good.
On the other hand, WebEQ dynamically renders equations as the web page
is displayed. Potentially, this is a much more satisfactory solution.
- The source code for the equations is right there in the .html
document where it is easy to find and edit. Making a small change is
- Web authors can see easily see what they are getting without going
through an involved conversion process.
- The level of complexity of WebEQ matches that of .html and is much
more appropriate for a medium where the primary display is a computer
screen where resolution and layout flexibility are limited. Languages
are closely tied to the requirements of print
- WebEQ requires only a text editor to create .html files. It works
just as easily on a Window or a Mac machine as on a workstation. It
requires no complicated installation, and it takes little disk
- The WebEQ applet remains active while the reader is on the page.
In principle, it is simple to have WebEQ equations interact with other
java applets such as graphing windows.
- Unfortunately, WebEQ is a bit ahead of its time still. The Java
language and the Netscape Browser are both still suffering growing
pains. There are problems with the communication
between WebEQ and the browser that are major limitations until Sun and
Netscape fix them (hopefully soon). In particular,
- WebEQ cannot resize itself on a web page when the user changes
font size. It issues the requisite function call, but at present, the
browser ignores it. This requires a cumbersome height and width
specification in the .html source.
- Netscape won't print WebEQ equations (or any other Java or
Javascript output).
Up: WebEQ Equation Rendering
The Geometry Center Home Page
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Created: Apr 01 1996 ---
Last modified: Wed Apr 17 16:35:14 1996