Up: WebEQ Equation Rendering

Current Status

The WebEQ equation renderer project is part of a program of research in mathematical visualization and electronic communication at the Geometry Center, a national Science Foundation Science and Technology Center. At the moment, the project is still mostly exploratory, experimenting with ways of taking advantage of advances in visualization and communication technology to enhance scientific understanding and strengthen the infrastructure of a national and global scientific community.

Where we are:

March 28, 1996
WebEQ version 0.98 is released. WebEQ implements the recently expired HTML 3.0 math tag set almost completely, and offers web authors a simple and powerful way to include mathematics in web pages.

March 1, 1996
Work began on an alternate parser for LaTeX commands. Completion is scheduled for June.

February 1, 1996
Jmath version 0.8 was released. It recognized a substantial subset of the HTML3.0 math tags, and implemented proportional spacing and general symbol font support. Jmath was featured in the inaugural issue of JavaWorld where it was cited as one of six applets on the web as most worthy of note.

December 7, 1995
A prototype applet was released.

Where we are going:

Up: WebEQ Equation Rendering

[HOME] The Geometry Center Home Page

Comments to: rminer@geom.umn.edu
Created: Mar 28 1996 --- Last modified: Wed Apr 17 16:35:25 1996