Class expression.Function
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Class expression.Function


public class Function
extends Object
Abstract class type for functions. Each function needs to specify the number of arguments in its variable list. The Function prototype can take at most two arguments. Functions with more arguments can be represented by multiple function pairs.

Variable Index

 o numArgs
Number of arguments the function can take

Constructor Index

 o Function()

Method Index

 o apply(double)
Apply function to a single argument.
 o apply(double, double)
Apply function to two arguments.
 o toString()
Return the string representation of the function.


 o numArgs
  public int numArgs
Number of arguments the function can take


 o Function
  public Function()


 o apply
  public abstract double apply(double a)
Apply function to a single argument.
 o apply
  public abstract double apply(double a,
                               double b)
Apply function to two arguments.
 o toString
  public abstract String toString()
Return the string representation of the function.
toString in class Object

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