Class expression.Variable
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Class expression.Variable


public class Variable
extends Object
An variable in an expression.

Variable Index

 o E
The global variable E.
 o PI
The global variable PI.
 o X
The global variable X.
 o Y
The global variable Y.
 o Z
The global variable Z.
 o val
Current value of a variable.

Constructor Index

 o Variable()
Create a default variable without a name.
 o Variable(String)
Create a variable with a name.
 o Variable(String, double)
Create a variable with a name and its value.

Method Index

 o toString()
Returns the string representation of the variable.


 o X
  public final static Variable X
The global variable X.
 o Y
  public final static Variable Y
The global variable Y.
 o Z
  public final static Variable Z
The global variable Z.
 o PI
  public final static Variable PI
The global variable PI.
 o E
  public final static Variable E
The global variable E.
 o val
  public double val
Current value of a variable.


 o Variable
  public Variable()
Create a default variable without a name.
 o Variable
  public Variable(String str)
Create a variable with a name.
 o Variable
  public Variable(String str,
                  double v)
Create a variable with a name and its value.


 o toString
  public String toString()
Returns the string representation of the variable.
toString in class Object

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