Mass-editing Scripts (All GMs)

Three scripts work together to let you mass-edit extractable fields in character sheets: extractor, invertmap, and injector. The basic idea is that you might want to, say, make sure everyone got the right bluesheets.

So you'd use the extractor to extract the bluesheets from character sheets, and look at which bluesheets each character got, and also which characters got each bluesheet. If you discover that a few characters missed some sheets, you can just add them to the extractor-generated file showing which sheets each character got, and then use the injector script to put the modified entries back into the character sheets.

If you discover that a specific bluesheet was entirely forgotten about, it's easier to just add that sheet and the people who get it to the extractor file listing who got each sheet; then use invertmap to turn that file into one listing what sheets each person got; then use the injector to stick that data back into the character sheets.

Make sense?


None of these scripts deal with suites in any manner. They are concerned only with material literally between \begin{extractable} and \end{extractable}. Future versions may attempt to deal with suites.

Here's specifics on

BTW, all these run under gmX which understands unique abbreviations (so "gmX ext", "gmX inj", "gmX inv" are probably sufficient). Also, when the extractor and injector take the name of an extractable field, it can as usual be a unique abbreviation, e.g. "blue" or even "bl" for "bluesheets" as long as you don't add a "blueface" extractable.