Writing things besides character sheets (All GMs)

The Template comes with a bunch of stuff you might want to write/generate in addition to character sheets. A lot of it was mentioned in writing character sheets, but we'll go into more detail now, and cover some things that weren't mentioned.

Bluesheets and Greensheets: There are top-level directories for these. As with character sheets, to write a new colorsheet, cd to the sheet directory; copy the template.tex file to the new filename.tex, and edit away. Again, it's important to fill in the \name macro (e.g. \name{\Banarchists}), but a \topquote field is optional. Unlike character sheets, colorsheets don't have extractable lists in them.

Lists: Since character sheets wish to include a bunch of things by macro-name, those macros are kept in lists in the directory LaTeX/Lists. In addition to the characters.tex and players.tex files for general character information, the Template comes with list files for

Just fill in these files to use things from them in character sheets and so on; they're each \input by the corresponding style file in LaTeX/Styles.

If you don't want it at the end of a character sheet, then it must be centralized information, right? Thus, everything else is in the directory LaTeX/Central. (Yes, of course you can put things somewhere else instead; the file names and location here are pure convention.) By default, the Template has there:

These must be printed manually -- they're not autoprinted by the packets script since they're not associated with characters' packets. (Ok, statcards and badges are, but you don't want to print them out per-packet anyway.)