\ProvidesPackage{sheets} % This package sets default linespacing and margins and sets up for % the funky header, including eps icon and (when appropriate) the % ``name of the character this FooSheet is for'' spot. % (\doname is defined to do the header; thus when you call \name, % which sets \me to its contents and then calls \doname, you get it.) % Written/edited by David Oh, November 1, 1991. % Certain Parts Copyright (C) David Oh and the MIT Assassin's Guild 1991 % Modified for use in `One is not a Prime Number.' (1992) % Modified again for use in 'Midnight in Moscow, Take 2'' (1994) % and some more by Jeremy Brown, Aug. 24 1994 % and for Moon Over Bourbon Street some more by Jeremy Brown, June, 1995 % and for Catastrophe some more by Jeremy Brown, Oct, 1996 % and for the Template (TM) by Jamie Morris, Spring 1998 and later \RequirePackage{graphicx} % for including postscript graphics \RequirePackage{doublespace} % for setting default linespacing \setstretch{1.2} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Set up margins % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \topmargin -0.5in \textheight +9.0in \oddsidemargin -.25in \evensidemargin \oddsidemargin \textwidth +7.0in %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Following Section Written by David Oh, later edited by Jamie Morris % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % This sets up the macro that actually builds the header. % If you have a .sty file that uses this, but you don't want this % header there, \renewcommand\doname{make my header instead} there. % \renewcommand\doname{} will have it not do anything at all. % (\doname is called by \name just after it sets \me.) \newcommand\sheetname{Miscellaneous Sheet} % Specific sheet .sty files will \renewcommand that to whatever they are, % but you can also use [sheets] as a style by itself. % Put in the eps of the char name if available (the perl scripts % cause it to be; it's not there otherwise unless you're % doing it by hand on purpose). This doesn't take args to % fiddle the offset and scaling (alter llx/lly/urx/ury/rwi)... yet. % Styles based on this style that don't want the charname to appear % (e.g. character sheets, where it would be highly redundant) % should \renewcommand\docharnamehere{}. % \newcommand\docharnamehere{% \special{psfile=charnameheader.eps llx=0 lly=0 urx=1 ury=0 rwi=-10}% } %% \useicon[optional width]{eps icon file} % sets what icon goes in the header, and optionally what width it is. % We pass it the default here; the Czar could overrule that in specific % sheet styles (bluesheet icon, greensheet icon...) and/or the GMs can % overrule it for individual sheets. Width defaults if not present. % Zero width arg or empty icon arg mean no icon. % \newcommand\useicon[2][7em]{% \def\icon@width{#1}% \ifdim\icon@width>0pt \def\icon@file{#2}\relax \else \def\icon@file{}\fi } \useicon{icon.eps} % And now the header itself. \name will set \me, then call \doname. % \renewcommand\doname{% \def\line@across{\leaders\hrule height.6ex depth-.55ex\hfill\null} \noindent \valign{\centering \vfil##\vfil\cr \ifx\icon@file\empty\else \hsize=\icon@width \includegraphics[width=\hsize]{\icon@file}\cr \advance\hsize by -\icon@width \fi \parindent 5pt {\small\sc \gamename~\line@across}% \docharnamehere \break\vfil {\Large\me{}}% \break\vfil {\small\sc \sheetname~\line@across}% \cr } \vspace{.15in} } % stolen from Andre' DeHon, edited by Jeremy Brown, edited by Jamie Morris \newenvironment{tightlist}{ \begin{list}{$\bullet$}{% \advance\partopsep by \topsep \setlength{\topsep}{0in} \setlength{\itemsep}{0in} \setlength{\parsep}{0em} \setlength{\leftmargin}{1.5em} \setlength{\rightmargin}{0in} \setlength{\itemindent}{0in} \def\tightlist@empty{} } } {\ifx\tightlist@empty\empty \item[$\circ$] None \fi \end{list}\vspace{1ex}} \let\normalitem@macro=\item % make the above auto-insertion work right \def\item{\def\tightlist@empty{Nope}\normalitem@macro} %Mike's adds, edited \newdef\topquote[2]{% \begin{quotation} \em #1 \par \leftskip=0pt plus1fill #2 \end{quotation}}