Postscript Map (All GMs)

There's a nice greyscale postscript map in LaTeX/Postscript/ It covers main campus --- if your browser won't show it to you, then gv it and see it for yourself (gv's in the sipb locker).

If you don't feel like frobbing with it, it's a useful thing as stands for people who don't know campus very well. But you can easily make it more useful for your game by focussing in on game area and labelling publically known locations. This involves editing the postscript, but in pretty well-defined and clear ways. Read the comments at the top of the file (which will point you towards some comments at the end of the file), and you'll learn how to easily customize it.

If you find yourself wanting to draw things on the map beyond what the comments tell you about, let us know --- it may be that enough teams want to do that that we should add it to the comments.

You can distribute itself to players --- but if your playerlist happens to only take up one side of the sheet, you don't have to, because it will automatically put your map on the other side! (See LaTeX/Central/playerlist.tex; you can turn this off, of course.)

Please note that since the map is derived from it is not fully redistributable; that page says

The campus map copyright is owned by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. All rights are reserved. The campus map images, source code, and documentation are not in the public domain. Permission is granted for personal (not-for-profit) use of the campus map images listed below. In addition, MIT constituents may use these images (or derivatives thereof) for any MIT publications. Please see the copyright notice for details.
so Guild use is fine, but don't go selling it.