Initial Setup (Czar)

Your Production Czar should set up the Template. This is very simple:

  1. Untar the canonical tarball from ~jemorris/Template/template.tar into your target directory via:
    cd /mit/assassin/games/MyGame
    tar -xvf ~jemorris/Template/template.tar 
    Now you have MyGame/Template/Bluesheets etc. You may well not want the Template subdir itself:
    mv Template/* .
    rmdir Template
    will leave you with MyGame/Bluesheets, MyGame/Greensheets, etc directly if you choose.

  2. Customize the fields in your LaTeX/Styles/custom.sty to specify things about your game like its name and run date and (eventually) character info fields.

  3. Put your game's default postscript image in LaTeX/Postscript/icon.eps -- it should be roughly square. Don't use something intensive enough to slow down sheet-printing (try it).

  4. Set the appropriate type of currency for your game (it starts as dollars) and range of bills by editing LaTeX/Styles/money.sty (and LaTeX/Styles/character.sty's def of \cash if you want to change from the $ symbol to something else).

  5. Mail and let us know you're using the Template, so that we'll know to send you bug fixes. Please include precise version information and contact email.

(Of course, any of the middle three things can be left until later, but you might as well fill in as much as you can now.)

You're ready to roll!

Each GM needs to set up their dotfiles before using the Template.

Once you've done this yourself, try latex'ing and printing a few random things -- a bluesheet, a charsheet, a playerlist... -- and run the packets script on the template character to produce their full character packet. Get everything working at this stage before moving on to customization. Make sure all the other GMs can also do these basic things.

Assuming everything works, you're ready to customize.