About me

I am currently a postdoctoral scholar in the Center for Clinical Informatics and Improvement Research (CLIIR) at the University of California, San Francisco. My research focuses on machine learning for healthcare applications.

Previously, I was a postdoctoral scholar at the Haas School of Business at UC Berkeley. I obtained my Ph.D. from MIT in June 2018, where I was a member of the Clinical and Applied Machine Learning Group at MIT CSAIL, advised by Professor John Guttag. I did my undergraduate in Applied Mathematics at Harvard University.

Highlighted Work

Harini Suresh*, Jen J. Gong*, John V. Guttag. Learning Tasks for Multi-task Learning: Heterogeneous Patient Populations in the ICU. Proceedings of Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD). August 2018.
*(Equal contribution)

Jen J. Gong, John V. Guttag. Learning To Summarize Electronic Health Records Using Cross-Modality Correspondences. Proceedings of Machine Learning for Healthcare Conference. August 2018.

Jen J. Gong*, Tristan Naumann*, Peter Szolovits, John V. Guttag. Predicting Adverse Events Across Changing Electronic Health Record Systems. Proceedings of Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD). August 2017.
*(Equal contribution)

See my CV for a full list of publications and presentations.