Jerrod's Homepage
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Greetings and welcome to my homepage. This page is under construction so you will have to forgive the mess. Of course, this page will always be under construction. :-)
Free Speech Now

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Random People I know

Well I guess if you have made it this far you want to know a little about me. I've just completed a double major at MIT in Brain and Cognitive Sciences (Course 9 for MIT folk) and Management (Course 15). I am working for Sloan as a Computer Consultant while looking for another job. I am from the small town of Laurel, Pennsylvania (population ~25). I grew up riding horses and am an OK rider. In my spare time, I play DnD with some friends of mine. At one time I was the Provost of Mitgaard. I currently live in Grey17, an apartment composed partially of previous Random Hall residents. If you are really bored, or have a job requiring someone who knows Windows NT 4.0, you can look at my resume.
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Well thats all for now. I'll work on this more later.
Hope you enjoyed what I could offer.
Jerrod Wiesman